If you ever get to a race or ride and without everything you need, we will buy your bag back from you. Yep, just send your RaceDay Bag™ back and we will issue a full refund for your purchase.
Your RaceDay Bag™ has an unlimited Life Time Warranty against any manufacturing defects. You got a problem, we'll fix or replace your bag at no cost to you.Register within 30 days of purchase details are here.
Our Mission - to help everybody have the best RaceDays of their lives.
Creation Story – In 2016, a friend asked me to produce a custom bag for his race team. When I saw his concept, I took it to the next level with all the compartments and labels. It was easy because I had such a need in my own life. It took about 6 months to figure out all the fabrics to use, printing, cutting and sewing. We’ve never changed our core process or partners.
Creed – We are athletes. We train and race in order to be fit and ready for all of life’s challenges. Each day we work to get a little better. For us, Every Day Is RaceDay.
Our Icon - The flying wolf because we are hungry like wolves to improve, and we fly like eagles on raceday.
Our Rituals - We live and die by the concepts laid out in RaceDay Ready.
PRs > KOMs - Winning is nice, a bonus. PRs are the metric that shows improvement. In the end, we have only ourselves to conquer.
We pray for the anti-athletes who mistreat their bodies.
The Blog
FOR MOST OF US, there were no tryouts. We rode, we ran, we swam. After prodding from a friend, a flashy flyer at the coffee shop, a seed was planted. One day, we woke up and said...
... Hey, I should try a race.
What have I a got to lose?
Nothing, just...
- pride
- confidence
- social standing
... and everything to gain.
The space between registration and finishing oscillates...
... between daunting and piece of cake.
One moment we've got it all under control,
the next we are freakin' out,
or want to quit.
Before we ever start.
It's not a tryout,
where we hope to get picked...
... it's a figure it out,
and we pick ourselves.
We keep going, pressing on because...
... we are endless fascinated with the idea of how far we can go?
7.5 hrs sleep
No Strength Work
0 minutes stretching
94 (fitness per training peaks)
40 min vision therapy
IT WAS LIKE A TIME MACHINE today. A little knee-high that looked all of fourteen years old slipped off the front and basically just disappeared. None of the hitters chased...
... they let 'im go.
Maybe they had to?
Meanwhile, I'm hanging on...
... wonderin' what's going on.
The last time a little 120ish lb rascal was playing with us like this...
... he went on to join the pro tour.
Kevin Vermaerke.
Before that, I can only think of Floyd Landis.
There are probably others in between, and before, who've reached the highest levels of the sport, and many who have gone pro.
For sure.
The question is would the kids have...
... thrived without a supporting and challenging community?
8 hrs sleep
No Strength Work
0 minutes stretching
96 (fitness per training peaks)
0 min vision therapy
HEARD A GOOD ONE TODAY. My pal and first cycling coach, Bret, was driving with the great Erik Zabel behind a large group ride, in San Francisco, spread 5 wide across the only lane....
... Zabel had a few thoughts.
Who are these guys?
Oh, this is well-known group ride.
They are Ferrari riders.
Ferrari riders?
Then followed some sort of mangled German, Bret didn't understand...
... yet, got the gist.
What do mean?
You, you have pedal stroke like sewing machine...
... these guys on fancy bikes mash in squares.
Like weekend Ferrari drivers.
I don't the point was to denigrate the hardware, more of...
... a comment on looking vs acting the part.
Truth is...
- practice
- coaching
- genuine feel
... it takes time and determination to develop a smooth pedal stroke.
Here are a few...
- rid a fixy
- one-legged drills
- high cadence, over 120
... ways to improve pedal stroke.
8 hrs sleep
Pullups and Pushups
10 minutes stretching
91 (fitness per training peaks)
40 min vision therapy
FEELING SO COLD, I wondered what I could do. I thought back to the dawg daze of summer. I needed more than simply...
... thinking hot thoughts.
It wasn't enough.
Here's the science...
- face
- palms
- foot bottoms
... we have 3 distinct areas.
Keep these covered and warm...
- gloves
- toe/foot covers
- bandana or face mask
... if cold.
Keep 'em shaded and ventilated...
- a visor
- ventilated shoes
- perforated gloves
... if hot.
Colors matter, too.
Which is why we make white gloves.
It's Buy One Pair, Get One Pair right now...
... and yes, we have lots other colors.
7.75 hrs sleep
Pullups and Pushups
10 minutes stretching
92 (fitness per training peaks)
40 min vision therapy
I'M RELIGIOUS by nature. It shows up in almost everything i do: work, fitness, learning. If I find a practice or ritual the inspires me, keeps me on track, or changes me...
... I'm down for incorporating good stuff.
When my pal showed up on Ash Wednesday with the traditional mark on his forward, I asked him...
... What are you giving up for Lent?
I was impressed, and inspired.
Giving up one of our most addictive drugs ain't easy.
Join me.
Uh, not really my thing.
But, after a few weeks I thought...
... You know what, that's not a bad idea.
So, I gave up sleep.
Not, sleep sleep...
... sleeping in.
Getting up at 530am is easy for me about half the days of the week, the other half I'm more of a 6 or 630 wakeruppper.
Because I follow the great Joe Friel's advice...
... I wake up when i'm done sleeping.
I wanted to do it...
- for the discipline
- to get my day started earlier
- so I could get our and ride when it's sunny and warm
... to make a change for the better.
Waking up naturally at 530am will happen simply by forcing it...
... eventually exhaustion makes early slumber easy.
Change made...
... by Easter Morning.
7.75 hrs sleep
Pullups and Pushups
10 minutes stretching
93 (fitness per training peaks)
40 min vision therapy
WEARING FLIPFLOPS ON THE FACTORY FLOOR isn't the smartest idea. Especially, where there is no heat. In winter. Our production manager looked at my feet, looked at me...
... aren't your feet cold?
How could I explain why my feet are impervious to cold?
I mean, who can relate to...
- 20+ mph
- skin tight lycra
- shoes with all kindsa perforations
... what I'd done before the sun rose, temp around 40 degrees?
I could barely feel my fingers,
use the shifters
and brakes.
My feet?
Honestly, I love it.
For a couple of hours...
... the discomfort is energizing.
I'm alive,
ready to charge the day.
What I was wearing:
- skull cap
- jersey
- bibs
- fly vest
- arm and knee warmers
- superlight gloves
- fastmax sock
What I could have easily added/swapped out:
- toe warmers
- cold weather gloves
7.75 hrs sleep
Pullups and Pushups
10 minutes stretching
92 (fitness per training peaks)
0 min vision therapy
YOUNG PUP was up the road a bit. I was on my mtb, so figured I couldn't catch him. But, I was going about the same speed and...
... cut through the dirt.
How ya feelin' after Saturday?
I'm feelin' it, those guys are so good.
I was smoked afterwards.
Tell me, I've done that ride 5 or 6 times now, and I just can't hang on...
... are those guys pros?
We've all had those thoughts...
- we think we're in shape
- they show their in better shape
- we wonder how it's possible they're so much faster
... when we're new, there's just no way to appreciate what it takes.
Or, took.
I mean, looking at the other athletes, they don't look that much different.
If at all.
So, what gives?
Here's the fact.
To get good at endurance sports...
- mentally
- physically
- spiritually
... we've got to learn how to endure.
Enduring doesn't mean plowing through the suck, it means...
... appreciating every second, until years have passed.
They're not pro,
they've been riding for 5+ years.
It takes time, to be refined...
... in the refiner's fire.
7.5 hrs sleep
Pullups and Pushups
10 minutes stretching
88 (fitness per training peaks)
40 min vision therapy
GETTING TO DO THE RACES we want to do is not easy. There is so much that has to align to make it happen...
... so, what's the secret?
The great Marc Andreessen said it best...
If you know what you want, and you go for it with maximum energy and drive and passion, the world will often reconfigure itself around you much more quickly and easily than you would think.
How do we do that?...
- Get a calendar
- Fill in the family, work, social commitments
- Find a race we really want to do with no conflicts
... and make it hap'n cap'n.
8 hrs sleep
No strength work
10 minutes stretching
89 (fitness per training peaks)
0 min vision therapy
EVER FOUND YOURSELF right behind an absolute beast, only to take a quick glance and realize...
... all the other fools have been left in dust?
Happened to me today,
and it was quite foolish.
It didn't seem so at the time.
I felt great,
our lead kept increasing,
and the great Alfredo was hammerin'.
Then, we caught a light.
All gains...
... poof!
As the group reached escape velocity on the final steep section of the first climb, I thought...
... Uh oh, I'm looking at a lonely next 15-20 miles.
Why did I take that risk, to go with a pro triathlete?
Because it was a training ride.
What was the pay off?
The most taxing ride in months,
I rode much harder, per Training Peaks,
than at BWR and Cactus Cup races.
By a lot.
Which produced a huge fitness bump.
Why didn't I race this hard?
Racing is often very tactical...
- use our matches prudently
- let the other guys pull and suffer
- going just fast enough to hang onto our finish position
... because the goal is often to simply place well.
Doing the minimum...
... is often a winning formula.
Training is like a laboratory...
- speed
- effort
- intensity
... where we find out what is possible.
It's not risky in a race, if we already know...
... we can handle it.
Two years ago, I was at the state road race championships. The previous year, my sole focus was Leadville, where being able to hold high tempo/low threshold for hours is key.
I still had a ton of that type of fitness.
In the two first miles, I popped a little hill.
Not a big effort.
But, for some reason, the group didn't follow.
So, I kept going at Leadville pace, building up nearly a 2 minute lead.
After a full lap, 22ish miles, my pal Andy bridged up, and now we were working together.
Eventually, 3 others made it across.
Neither Andy nor I won, but we managed to get on the podium...
... and enjoy a dream scenario, in a break, with a friend.
7.5 hrs sleep
No strength work
10 minutes stretching
91(fitness per training peaks)
0 min vision therapy
DEAR OL' DEISEL, can ya help a young feller out? I can't decide if I should race the BWR Waffle or Wafer.
Last year, I was training for the Wafer, training was going really well so at the last second I signed up for the longer, brutal-er Waffle.
The very next day, I got sick.
At the race, I went out too hard, way beyond my threshold, and had to limp the last 65 miles, to just finish.
I made so many rookie mistakes, ugh.
Power was down 100 watts from normal,
heart rate was still high.
I've got young kids, and training time is limited.
In 2028, I turn 40 and plan to take on the Leadville 100 MTB race.
Should I continue to focus on long distance endurance like the Waffle or back it down to the Wafer?
Dear Buck,
I feel for ya, limping home weak and broken is a terrible scenario.
Let's be real.
Having a young family is...
- sleep deprived nights
- full-time work to keep 'em clothed and fed
- teaching correct principles and how life works
... the most beautiful and challenging blessing
any of us will ever enjoy.
That's the prime directive...
- protect
- provide
- love the family.
.. always.
That said, the Ol' Diesel gets it because we raised 3 youngins ourselves.
The yearn to find out how far we can push ourselves physically is real, and always calling.
When the littles were around, I always tried to have one event every year.
Kept me fit...
- mentally
- physically
- spiritually
... to do all the providin' and lovin'.
You already know this...
... do the Wafer.
It fits your needs better.
Remember, doing our best on RaceDay means meeting the...
- challenges
- responsibilities
- time constraints
... while taking care of the best part of our lives.
Family first, Buck!
PS One day, you'll be an Ol' Diesel, too... all the time in the world, and the satisfaction of knowing we did all we could do.
8 hrs sleep
PullUps, PushUps
10 minutes stretching
85(fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy
LATELY, I'M COMPLETELY HUNG UP ON YEAR OVER YEAR COMPARISONS. Focused, might be a better term. It's key that we are...
... documenting the important activities.
I do.
It's automatic.
What am I looking at...
- sales
- fitness
- activities
... on a daily basis?
Sometimes, throughout the day.
Here's the dill.
It's easy to get discouraged if we are off,
just look at that chart above and tell me how you'd feel?
At the same time, we can be encouraged,
when the comparo is tantalizingly positive.
Each reaction is dangerous because they typically lead to...
... letting our foot off the gas.
Whether we are leading or getting shelled, we must..
... get moving,
and keep moving,
towards our long-term goals.
To win any race...
... we've got to start.
8 hrs sleep
PullUps, PushUps
10 minutes stretching
85(fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy
APPARENTLY, MY SIBLINGS were talking behind my back. To our kids, no less. What good come of that? Did you know your dad...
... did this?
But, turns out it was just a big misunderstanding and it'll blow over.
You see, the discussion centered around my discipline.
I have no discipline...
- exercising
- eating clean
- getting good sleep
... it looks like I do.
But, I don't.
And, when it comes right down to it...
... I doubt you have much discipline.
We just freakin' love it, right?
That feeling of being free.
Moving quickly.
We're not weird, or exceptionally disciplined...
... we're passionate.
8.5 hrs sleep
PullUps, PushUps
10 minutes stretching
86(fitness per training peaks)
40 min vision therapy
HELP!, I'VE MISPLACED my HR strap, and I can't record the data. Can I even train now? What will Starva think? How...
... can I be sure I even trained at all?
Silly thoughts before I rolled out to do...
- 29 mi
- 4173 vert
- under 2 hours
... my Hill Fest route.
Normally, I'm all about the HR.
Keeping it in the HR zone.
Today was all about the PWR.
Keeping it in the PWR zone.
Here's what I found fascinating.
When I'm focused on, say keeping HR in Tempo or Threshold...
- position
- cadence
- breathing
... I don't pay as much attention to my form.
The focus on this ride was keeping my PWR above 250.
When I was making that effort, 250+ watts, I found that when I focus on my position in the saddle, keeping my cadence high...
- my PWR output is higher
- my breathing is easier
- I'm going faster
... there is actually a sweet spot position for me to be in.
Some Normalized PWR comparisons:
- Today, 246
- Saturday's race, 240
- My normal Tuesday group ride, 229
It would have been nice to have my HR monitor, and go back and see how hard my heart was working.
The main take away for me is, when I'm training alone...
... I'm better off to train with PWR and Cadence only on the screen.
Worth experimenting with, IMHO.
8.25 hrs sleep
PullUps, PushUps
10 minutes stretching
84(fitness per training peaks)
40 min vision therapy
THE OPPORTUNITIES TO EMPLOY AI are everywhere. For us, we might try an AI coach. But, how do we know it's good? Well...
... I tried out AI, with something I know a thing or three about.
I asked AI to write a blog post in the flavor of our blog.
It was a good effort,
but here's the problem.
I personally get so much out of writing these posts daily, I shutter to think of letting go the opportunity to slice through what's working and deliver it to us in a creative way.
The personal challenge of the ritual and discipline each evening...
- fingers
- keyboard
- proof reading
... would be a tremendous loss, were I to outsource it.
It's the same reason we...
- run
- ride
- swim
... IRL vs playing a video game of our chosen sport.
We live for...
- the feel pain
- to take chances
- and hack our bodies
... because there is not substitute the tests of mortality.
Just ask Grok.
8 hrs sleep
PullUps, PushUps, Box Jumps
10 minutes stretching
82(fitness per training peaks)
40 min vision therapy
YESTERDAY'S 40-MILE MTB RACE was epic as ever. When it's one giant loop, 97% singletrack, each age group starts in it's own wave...
... you know there are going to be some good battles.
Cranks and legs trading blows,
like swords and shields.
In my race, the winner hit out super hard.
I looked down and saw 450 watts,
long enough to realize...
... I had to back down, and hope he'd blow.
He didn't.
Then, third and fourth place rode right by me on the next punchy little climb.
I'd roll up on the downhill,
they'd pull away on the climbs.
This went on for 20ish minutes.
Starting the steady 7-mile climb,
I want to keep the pace up because, you know, first place was out there, and maybe he'd start to falter.
So, I'm back in second position,
and fifth place pulls through.
He's on it.
I'm hanging on.
Third and fourth,
are now fourth and fifth.
On the following 10-minute downhill,
I slowly ease away from third.
But, he's there.
Red helmet,
blue jersey.
My hope of catching spurs me forward.
I no longer see my pursuer,
still don't see the target.
These are always challenging spots in a race.
It's easy to slow down,
lose focus.
That's why I kept pushing,
wanting to catch,
not caught.
All the way to the finish line.
Update on my back.
Yesterday's race was day 3, after Dr. Su's magic.
As she predicted, the back felt even better.
Although the last 10 miles are quite rocky and rough,
my back felt great.
Even better, when I woke up in my own bed this morning I didn't need to slowly roll over, drop to my knees, and slowly stand.
I just,
got up.
163.8 lbs - no scale
7 hrs sleep
No Strength
0 minutes stretching
82(fitness per training peaks)
40 min vision therapy
FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ is the town closest to the venue for Cactus Cup. It is so beautiful in the winter, and full of retirees. I see two types out here...
... those still charging, and those who haven't charged for years.
I get it that age will crumble all of us.
why give up?
if you have all kindsa time.
Are we going to acquire the body of Mr. Potato Head...
... or keep pushing, stretching, reaching as high as we can?
Every day.
Here's something to consider.
A large percentage of the racers in the older groups are faster than ever,
because they have the time and money...
... and they have always been active.
Even when...
- kids
- work
- commitments
... made it seem impossible.
They got in the workout...
... some thing is always better than no thing.
Hopefully, we don't flicker out like a candle, and...
... we burn bright and go out like a light.
? lbs - no scale
7 hrs sleep
No Strength
0 minutes stretching
84(fitness per training peaks)
25 min vision therapy
THERE WAS A BRIEF BREAK in the rain. After a 1 hour delay, lucky me got to speedsuit up. The course was wet, slightly muddy, shortened...
... we'd be flyin'.
Fortunately, it started to rain again about 10 mins before my start time.
It was a TT.
4, 3, 2, 1, GO!
I've never raced a TT, crossed the finish line, and thought...
... I could have gone faster.
I've never seen the results of a TT, after recovering, and not thought...
... I could have gone faster.
Metaphor for life.
Does that deserve a deconstruction?
- Warm up was pretty good, 35 minutes with varied efforts
- Got to start with 2 mins to spare, in other words late.
- Ditched my jacket.
- Didn't have my Wahoo on the correct screen, fumbled with it rolling out.
- I race better with computer in my pocket for these efforts, go on feel, check the data later.
- The cold, even though I was quite warm, was still discouraging. It was hard to be "up" for it.
- Tire pressure seemed good, 18 front/20 back.
- Rode the sides of the trail to stay out of the middle's little stream
- On the back half I rode the stream, it was faster.
- There is so much sand and decomposed granite, very little mud.
- Glasses were fogging on warm up, clear at race pace.
- Wore my speedsuit,base layer, arm warmers.
- Felt really good.
Update on my back, 48hrs after Dr. Su's torture chamber...
... better than yesterday.
I'm honestly stunned.
Check out this video.
Planning to document daily, through her 7 day promise of all better.
... and, yes, I'd love it if you followed what we're doing over there so you can see us IRL.
? lbs - no scale
8.5 hrs sleep
10 minutes stretching
81(fitness per training peaks)
25 min vision therapy
NOT LONG AGO, I was humblebragging about what a ninja I was for training in the rain. Because, ya know, it's just going to make me that much more of a...
... bada$$ in a race with rain.
Then, tomorrow's TT happened.
47°, raining, and windy is just a lot more than a ninja like me could hope for.
A lot more.
Pretty sure warming up will be useless,
cause who can warm up...
... and stay warm in that, in a skinsuit?!
Good thing my rain riding heroics where on pavement, so...
... I'm extra unprepared for dirt, mud, rock ledges.
Can any good come from this...
... or do I just stay warm and toasty in the van?
What would you do?
Be honest.
Inspire me.
Tell me I suck, and you'd thrive in those conditions...
... c'mon I need a good swift kick in the lycra.
? lbs - no scale
8.5 hrs sleep
10 minutes stretching
84(fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy
MY BACK HAS BEEN REALLY BOTHERING ME, for years. The last 8 months or so, I get home from a long ride and I can barely walk. So, when the Chinese doctor said...
... I make you cry.
I was in.
Because she promised to pull the scar tissue out.
I show you, you see.
The price was so high,
I figured it's going to work...
... even if it's a placebo.
Today I submitted to the pain...
- standing on my back
- poking me with needles
- cupping out the scar tissue
... hurt like hell.
I didn't cry,
but I sure cried out.
She found places in my ...
- butt
- back
- spine
... I didn't even know I had.
What I do know is, as promised...
... she pulled tissue out of my back.
My back wasn't bleeding.
Weird stuff,
for sure.
Did it work?
I feel good.
She said...
- tomorrow, sore
- three days, feel better
- one week, pain all gone
... just in time for Cactus Cup's 40 mile XC race, on Saturday.
Hopefully, the only flaring up will be from...
... my after burners on the short, punchy climbs.
? lbs - no scale
8.5 hrs sleep
10 minutes stretching
84(fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy
IT'S ALWAYS HARD TO BEAT THE LOCALS. Doesn't matter if it's road, dirt or a mix. If you're from outta town, and it's you're first time...
... local knowledge is gonna kill ya.
Not the locals,
they're nice,
until not.
They're going to...
- enter and exit the corners
- roll the blind drops
- ride the surges
... faster and better.
They've mastered the course,
and they will spend considerably less energy,
conserving to stick it to us when we make the slightest error.
So, we pre-ride and do our best to...
- relax
- recon
- remember
... to close the gap.
While I was pre-running Saturday's race course...
- how much nutrition and liquid to carry
- should I carry bottles, a pack, both
- how low to run tire pressure
... thinking of ways to be efficient.
But there were other considerations.
Will it be windy like today?
If it's cold at the start, vest or no vest?
Will Friday's predicted rain change conditions?
How to figure out who are the locals on the start line?
? lbs - no scale
8 hrs sleep
10 minutes stretching
84(fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy
THERE'S ALWAYS A LOT OF PRESSURE to perform. We put it on ourselves, others put it on us...
... high expectations can kill.
The joy.
I've had a pretty darn successful month...
- family
- business
- and that racing thing
... but the results don't reflect the focus.
How can I share this without sounding like a kook?
I'll just tell ya.
Yeah, I ripped at the race...
... I was more concerned with how my eyes would function after all the vision therapy, and my how complete my recovery is from pneumonia in January.
Yeah, we had a good month of overall sales...
... I'm focused on how many bags did we sell because bag sales always lead to apparel and all the other products we make.
Yeah, we have a new granddaughter...
... I'm focused on caring for each member of our family, literally praying for inspiration.
Don't get me wrong here.
It's cool to win the prize.
Weirdly, when I really want _______, and I focus on that vs what needs to happen, things don't seem to workout as I hope.
When I'm focused on the inputs, planting the seeds...
... I know the outputs the harvest is gonna happen.
It's just a matter of time...
... when it does, it's so gratifying.
I think this is where the "influencers" ask...
... What are your inputs?...
... hoping for a reply.
Not looking for that.
I know this will hit home for a lot of us.
Peace, out.
? lbs - no scale
8 hrs sleep
PushUps, Jumps
10 minutes stretching
82(fitness per training peaks)
20 min vision therapy
RACING ALONG, it's easy to find ourselves in a rut. Wheels sucked in, rocketing forward, but...
... we're beginning to lose control.
Ruts take us where they want to.
Routes are different we...
- know where we want to go,
- plot the course.
- get moving.
... the destination is up to us.
I like road trips.
Getting out of my routines gives me a different perspective.
See the life ruts I'm in.
Toss out the bad ones, and...
... stay on my righteous route.
(yes, that's righteous in hippy talk - like, righteous wave dude.)
? lbs - no scale
10 hrs sleep
PushUps, Jumps
10 minutes stretching
82(fitness per training peaks)
20 min vision therapy
DOWNLOADING THE KNOWLEDGE after a race can be super helpful. We always learn something we didn't foresee, that could...
... help us go faster, have more fun, next time.
What mapmyride didn't tell me...
- there would be miles of whoops
- those whoops would suck the life out of my legs on the return
- divebombing into the first single track would make or break a race
... I see why it's not called scout my ride.
Smart things I did...
- Camelbak was perfect for drinking over the raucous opening terrain
- Lowish pressure in the tires, 22 front and 26 rear
- Fastest rolling gravel tires vs mtb tires
Dumb things I did...
- Only 32 oz in the Camelbak, 44 (2 bottles worth) woulda been better
- Letting my mind wander for a split second and washing out in a turn
- Didn't bring a mini-tool, got lucky and didn't need
Nice surprises...
- Best bathrooms of all time at a race - air con, sink, soap, private
- Water handups on course, came in super handy
- My pal Kristen caught me and we teamed up
What worked...
- road shoes with MTB cleats very comfy
- Classified hub bailed me out with the super quick shifts
- the Ergon seatpost over the washboard was Cadillac smooth
What failed...
- when I crashed the derailleur hanger bent, and next time I need granny gear it through chain into spokes
- my arms were so bloody from snagging them on "cats claw" bushes
- the dang helmet needed a good wash before, I would have avoided eye-searing sweat
... those are pretty much all me failing.
Next time...
- run new tires, these were too worn for all the sand
- drive out Thursday vs Friday and be more relaxed
- more liquid in Camelbak
Overall, super fun riding and racing.
The weather was perfect,
hi 70's.
BWR team and volunteers put on a very classy event.
? lbs - no scale
8 hrs sleep
No lifting
10 minutes stretching
84(fitness per training peaks)
20 min vision therapy
DAYS LIKE THIS and I swear my body has a mind of it's own. Somehow, it knows tomorrow is going to be big. No matter how much I eat...
... my body wants more.
So, I obey...
- Applefritter.
- 10" Mad Dog Pizza
- Chipotle 2X Steak Salad
... plus, nuts, apples, oranges, berries, and a protein bar.
I'm still hungry,
and you know what?
My body is right...
... I'm going to reward it tonight with a Haagen-Daz bar.
But, first, more blueberries.
7 hrs sleep
No lifting
10 minutes stretching
80 (fitness per training peaks)
0 min vision therapy
GOING FROM RIM BRAKES TO DISC BRAKES was a game changer for me. Bombing a long, fast descent no longer meant alternating between front and rear...
... simply to save my hand strength, keep the rims cool.
But, there were costs.
Not just cash.
We had...
- rotors
- brake pads
- brake fluid
... much tighter tolerances.
We could roll with a slightly bent rim,
not gonna happen with a bent rotor.
We could adjust the brake's cable tension on the fly,
not happening out in the wilderness.
Tighter tolerances...
... bring us increased performance.
Increased performance...
... requires tighter tolerances.
After my TBI, my vision was really off.
It was a struggle to go fast over tricky, twisty terrain.
12 months later,
I'm still doing vision therapy.
It's a lot better,
but that is not the point.
The point is,
if I wasn't pushing my body to perform beyond the trivial tasks of getting by...
... I'd never know how off my vision was.
Which got me thinking...
... what am else I tolerating that is holding me back?
8 hrs sleep
10 minutes stretching
83 (fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy
BWR AZ IS THIS WEEKEND. I'm going. I'm excited. Bike is ready. Friends are texting. AIRbnb is ready for us. The reason for all this anxiousness is simple...
... I know what I'm getting into.
The Hell of The North Desert...
- brutal
- sun-scortched
- survival test
- fever dream
... no one - pros or pretenders - get off easy.
That's the promise BWR makes.
I've done UT twice...
... this is my first AZ.
I'm counting on being...
- wrecked
- wasted
- elated
... getting my money's worth.
I know what you're thinking...
... Now hold on Mr FancyLycra, are you sure you've got the goods to execute?
No, quite honestly, I'm not.
But, I'm sure they do.
It's called...
- trust
- confidence
- dependability
... it's earned through consistency and quality of experience.
8 hrs sleep
10 minutes stretching
83 (fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy
KEEP IT STUPID SIMPLE, that's about as complex as I go when it comes to eating habits. So, when I was challenged over the weekend, by a caring friend, I had to state...
... my governing rules for eating.
Here's the latest update.
Shoot for eating 1 gram of protein for every pound of body weight.
Veggies & Fruit
Unlimited veggies, and most of my fruit is berries.
Carbs & Sugar
Got to keep this in check, not much, except for the big days, then load up, before, during and after the big rides, runs and swims.
It's been said...
... if we stay on top of the protein goal, the rest is pretty easy to control.
How'd I do that today?
shake | 22 | |
kodiak cakes | 20 | 42 |
bacon | 10 | 52 |
protein burger | 30 | 82 |
chicken | 60 | 142 |
greek yogurt | 17 | 159 |
Tallying throughout the day, is a super helpful practice to stay on track.
Do you have a system?
7.5 hrs sleep
10 minutes stretching
84 (fitness per training peaks)
0 min vision therapy
ONCE WE GET THE 'A' RACE on the calendar, things become clearer. We get a sense of when we need to do what we know needs doing, and...
... what we need to cut out for a season, or longer.
But, there's more.
It takes a while,
which is why it's valuable
to put the calendar to use asap.
With time, our brains magically serve us with...
... ideas and inspirations.
New stuff,
that can help
and make a difference in our prep.
Moms call it nesting,
before the baby arrives.
It's the same thing...
- date with destiny
- start prepping
- get ideas
... Rip On RaceDay!
Shout out to Samir who just signed up for his first race, ever, at 52.
8.5 hrs sleep
10 minutes stretching
81 (fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy
SEEING THE FLOCK OF PELICANS glide overhead, reminded me of the beauty of a peloton. Riders moving in harmony, rotating through...
... sharing the load.
Making it easy,
to go fast.
It sparked me to be a bit of a mad scientist today.
How could I improve my drivetrain for the upcoming BWR AZ?
I cracked open...
- a new KMC chain
- stripped with Ceramic Speed UFO cleaner
- drenched it in a mason jar of WEND Wax-On Dry Lube
... measured it, cut it, mounted it on my bike.
The chain ring and cassette look pretty good still,
a benefit to replacing chains often.
I'll test it in the morning and make sure...
... the entire drivetrain is working in harmony.
8 hrs sleep
PullUps PushUps Box Jumps
10 minutes stretching
81 (fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy
THIS IS ONE OF THE EASIEST WAYS to transfer more power to the pedals. I only thought of it because my knee started to bug me, and...
... I was pretty sure what I needed to fix.
An inexpensive part.
Easy to neglect.
Often forgotten.
My knee was buggin' because my cleat was worn out.
In my case, it was more than just the cleat...
... I run a Shimano adapter on my road shoes, so I can run MTB pedals on my gravel/road bike.
Parts replaced.
I went from feeling like i was ice skating on a walnut to...
- superconnected
- powerful
- locked in
... the way we all want to feel when stomping on the pedals.
This, for me, is vastly superior...
- stiffer sole
- better breathability
- better strapping system
... road shoes for the win.
There is one BIG negative.
If I ever need to dismount and hike up a steep hill,
there is almost no traction,
compared to MTB shoe.
Some of my pals run road shoes and pedals, gravel and MTB.
Big drawback there is,
contaminate those road cleats,
and you might never get them to reengage.
we can have all the power in the world...
... gotta be connected to put it to good use.
Because we are, 2W4L
Delivered, for $20.
Use code: PDLTS
You'll see discount and free shipping at check out.
7.5 hrs sleep
10 minutes stretching
80 (fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy
INSPIRATION CAN BE WONDERFUL, if it's the right kind. The positive stuff gives us hope, something to aspire to. The negative is debilitating, at best. But, I'm
... interested in something better.
Where do we get the ideas to make our racing, training, lives better?
Here are some of my inspirations.
When I was a surfer, we'd go weeks with little to no waves.
A swell hits, and we'd paddle 'till our arms fell off, for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 days in a row.
What if we ...
... recovered for weeks, then all out, every day, for up to a week?
When I played tennis as a kid, I took lessons every Tuesday.
I was very weak, physically, so we worked on technique to maximize what I was able to do.
What if we...
... spent one day a week focused solely on technique?
When I raced motorcycles, long distance vision was imperative.
We were going so fast, I had to keep my head up much more than on a bicycle.
What if we...
... regularly pushed ourselves to go as quickly as possible over tricky terrain?
I love reading and learning.
It allows me to focus on my inner thoughts and reflect on my outer actions.
What if we...
... consistently dove into thoughtful literature?
We're all cooking on something,
the ingredients in our minds matter...
... when we are Two Wheels For Life.
Get this t-shirt
Delivered, for $25.
Use code: PDLTS
You'll see discount and free shipping at check out.
7.5 hrs sleep
10 minutes stretching
80 (fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy
WE ALL (?) KNOW ABOUT INTERMITTENT FASTING. For those trying to shed pounds or be more lean it can be quite effective. But, what about...
... intermittent hammering?
Not intervals.
I hate intervals.
I'm sure some of you love them, which is great, but...
... when was the last time a race went hard for 3 minutes,
then easy for 3,
then hard for 3,
then easy for 3.
Don't shoot the blogger.
On my MTB ride last night, I thought...
... what if I trained 1 or 2 days a week with intermittent hammering?
So, here's how it went down.
Zone 2 everywhere,
for the most part.
The trails here are mainly straight up,
then straight down.
So, Zone 2 requires some real finessing from a heart rate stand point.
It's easy to get right up the upper limit,
hard to stay out of tempo.
Any time I came to a steep section that 5-30 seconds, sometimes up to a minute...
... I put down 500-600+ watts.
Here's the deal.
Do that for 3 minutes, and the heart rate sky rockets.
Do it for a few seconds, and it barely has time to respond.
Which means, from a heart rate perspective I'm popping out of Zone 2 ever so briefly.
But, from a power perspective it is much higher.
Check the data:
Ave Pwr 144 vs Max Pwr 844
Ave HR 126 vs Max HR 160 (nowhere near my max)
28% in Z1 - 64% in Z2 - 9% in Z3 ... I never reached threshold or beyond.
My thinking is that I can...
- increase my strength
- keep the legs and brain fresh
- turn the training into more of practice
... and make all the neuromuscular connections associate with putting down the power.
Based on this trial run last night...
... I'll get in 15-20 legit bursts.
Does it have to be done on an MTB?
No, but the payoff of a fun downhill between the mini efforts is pretty sweet.
I'm going to practice this through Sea Otter and see if...
... I can post higher power numbers on the longer tempo/threshold rides.
That's the idea anyway.
8.5 hrs sleep
10 minutes stretching
82 (fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy
THE LADY WAS YELLING AT ME, window down. Stopped at a light. Kept repeating, I kept cupping my ear. Finally, I understood...
... Looking good!
Well, I'll be dawgawned.
Was it all the breaklifting I've been doing?
This is breaklifting...
- set a timer
- work really focused
- go do a quick set of ____
... and I love it.
30 minute sprints works really well for me.
The breaks are energizing,
a micro adrenaline rush...
... keeping work fresh and fun.
My sets rotate between...
- PullUps
- PushUps
- Box Jumps
- Dead Lifts or Split Squats
- Toe Raises and Calf Raises
- Grippers
... takes a whopping 2 minutes to do one set.
Most days I get in 2 rotations.
Is there science to back it up...
- Phil Mafetone dot com, his book Get Strong! (you have to go to his site)
- Barry Ross, his book Underground Secrets To Faster Running
- Pavel Tsatsouline who was just on Andrew Huberman's podcast
... get the source material and take a deeper dive.
We aren't body builders,
we don't want useless bulk...
... we want strength.
Keep it simple.
Keep it consistent.
Breaklifting for the win.
8.5 hrs sleep
10 minutes stretching
82 (fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy
THERE ARE TWO WAYS TO WIN A RACE. We've seen them played out in recent, big time battles. While I appreciate each...
... I definitely prefer one over the other.
Not just to watch,
but to execute.
How about you?
Oh, wait, forgot tell ya...
- technical precision
- unpredictable
... are the choices.
has a plan for every single moment.
The other,
performs on feel.
You know who I'm talking about, right?
Don Felder vs Joe Walsh
Tadej vs Jonas
What makes their clashes so mesmerizing...
- approaches
- personalties
- countenances
... is their very beings.
I can't imagine one taking the on the other's ways.
It would be ridiculous,
If you want to put it to music,
just watch the final guitar solo to Hotel California.
Don is cool and precise and wonderful.
Joe is freakin wild and just feelin' it.
Precision vs Wild?
They're both work,
deliver results.
Which to deploy,
depends on who we are,
and who we are up against.
My default?
Let me ride and race on feel,
or give me death.
Check it ->
7.5 hrs sleep
No Strength Work
10 minutes stretching
82 (fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy
WHAT IF I JUST QUIT? I mean, sometimes it's just so damn hard and confusing, it feels hopeless...
... the challenges just keep coming.
Why not pull the plug?
The hills seem like mountains,
insurmountable ...
... we crest and zoom down the other side.
The crosswinds grinding our powers,
clawing to stay in the group...
... a bend in the road and we sit in with ease.
The brutal cold and darkness,
begging us to say in bed...
... roll out into the rising, warming sun.
Reminds me of the great Led Zepplin...
Good times, bad times
You know I've had my share I get dropped and foiled On the training rides But, I still don't seem to care... that classic and electric opening.
Gimme those first 14 seconds and I can do anything.
Check it ->
8 hrs sleep
PullUps PushUps BoxJumps
10 minutes stretching
78 (fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy
AERO HAS BEEN A THING for quite a while. With the invention of the wheel, came speed. With speed came wind. With wind came...
... drop bars.
140 years ago!
And, we've been working on...
- positions
- clothing
- helmets
- tubing
- bars
... it ever since.
We are slipperyer.
No doubt.
Which got me thinking yesterday as I was slipping off the back of the group...
- drop the stack height
- ride closer to wheel in front
- grabbed my most aero helmet
- donned the amazing Speedsuit we make
.... could I be more aero?
Would it have mattered yesterday?
I came off on a 1-mile power climb that demands 400 watts...
... I was 70 shy.
No amount of aero is gonna fix that.
Or, would it make a difference...
- stay off the front
- keep in the drops
- aero helmet
- Speedsuit
... if arrived at the climb slightly fresher.
To be honest, for me, it's probably more about handling marginal pains, than stressing over...
... marginal gains.
Let's find out next week!
Nothing to lose, but...
... time and effort.
The Mini RaceDay Bag snugs up tight under the saddle.
... holds your CO2, nozzle, plugs and a mini-tool under compression so it's silent,
... use this code: DRAMALAMA
... to save 20% and get FREE shipping at check out.
89 hrs sleep
No Strength Work
10 minutes stretching
79 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy
THE MAIN PROBLEM WITH MY ALLERGY, is it keeps me from doing intervals. So, I have come to rely on the blistering group rides...
... and chasing my much faster friends.
Which explains today's poor showing.
I didn't realize the problem until I dove into my Training Peaks data.
There it was.
My last pretty good power numbers were on 12.10.24.
Took a minute to remember,
what the heck I was doing on that particular day.
our Tuesday morning throw down.
I've skipped it for two months.
And before December...
... only hit TMWC sporadically.
My peak fitness for 2024 was back in September,
and TMWC was almost every week for the 4-5 months prior.
Having the data is helpful that way.
If we want to start with the end in mind...
- having a stellar day on _________.
... we can dig into our previous data.
It's not enough to see what has worked.
Sometimes, every time?...
- do intervals we aren't used to
- hit different group rides
- add in gym work
... we hit plateaus and need to mix things up.
Am I really allergic to intervals?
Of course not.
I just really really hate 'em, and prefer...
- incessant
- unpredictable
- burning surges
... only a sinister group of frenemies can inflict.
Which means... I've got to be very aero, and carry only the essentials.
The Mini RaceDay bag is perfect for holding: CO2, plugs, and a mini-tool.
... if you're into an aero bag, that holds you gear under compression so it's silent,
... use this code: DRAMALAMA
... to save 20% and get FREE shipping at check out.
7.5 hrs sleep
No Strength Work
0 minutes recovery
30 minutes reading + Journaling
81 (fitness per training peaks)
10 min vision therapy
IT'S BEEN SIX DAYS since the Rock Cobbler wiped me out. Ev er ee thingggg hurt so bag. It took me over...
... an hour just to change my clothes.
Click here to witness the dramalama.
The rainy week kept me off my bike.
A very good thing...
- I need the rest
- my body needed the break
- the trusty bike needed a bath
... but, is 6 days enough?
My legs have felt...
- sore
- dead
- rotten
... all stinkin' week.
One of two things is gonna happen...
- feel amazing and spritely
- get dropped, crushed and left behind
... on tomorrow's hammerfest.
I love surprises.
Do you?
I'll be wearing this hat tomorrow for massive brainwashing on myself.
If you're into brainwashing yourself, and like this hat as much as I do...
... use this code: DRAMALAMA
... to save 20% and get FREE shipping at check out.
7.5 hrs sleep
Pullups Pushups Box Jumps
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
77 (fitness per training peaks)
50 min vision therapy
BACK IN THE BEGINNING, before tubeless tires, suspension, carbon hoops, we'd pump our MTB tires up to 55 lbs because...
... missing the rocks f'real, f'survival
Hitting 'em meant certain trouble,
if not disaster.
Modern tech makes it better, but Make sure you miss the rock is...
... the worst advice we could ever give.
You know why, right?
- our minds cannot see a negative
- the body always follows the eyes
... there is only one way to navigate the treacherous terrain.
Look where you want to go.
This is the way.
I wrote in detail about this top in my book, The Way of The R.A.C.E.R
7 hrs sleep
Pullups Pushups Deadlifts
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
77 (fitness per training peaks)
40 min vision therapy
THE FORECAST SAID there'd be a break in the rain. is never wrong, right? I got grinding early so I could...
... get out and ride between storm fronts.
At 9am, I rolled out.
40 degrees.
These are the crazy things we do.
We train in uncomfortable...
- rain
- mud
- dust
- heat
- cold
- wind
- snow
- terrain
... knowing not every race is perfect weather.
We practice our skills,
our gear and apparel set up,
everything needed to succeed...
... because every one else is on the couch.
Whether or not the weather is great...
... we are extremely committed.
(unless it's reallyreallyreally terrible)
8 hrs sleep
Pullups Pushups Deadlifts
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
79 (fitness per training peaks)
40 min vision therapy
HAD A FRIEND SAY Beer after MTBing is required. For sure it's a ritual and bonding experience for all kinds of riders. Plus, all those sponsor dollars are so easy to come by...
... plenty of profit margin and residual sales.
But, what about hard drinking?
You know the truly hard stuff.
And, I'm not talking about fire water.
Just water.
Seems it's so hard to drink the stuff.
Even though...
- fridge door
- gas stations
- grocery stores
... it's everywhere.
But, when was the last time you had plain old water...
... and plenty of it?
Personally, I'm downing about 100 ounces a day.
Can you drink too much?
And, if you want to get freaked out about it, I review the book Waterlogged here:
A good rule of thumb for those who...
- pee dark yellow
- hardly need to pee
- can ride or run for hours without peeing (yes, swimmers, no one is fooled by your never needing to pee)
... start with, don't feel thirsty.
8.5 hrs sleep
Pullups Pushups Deadlifts
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
79 (fitness per training peaks)
40 min vision therapy
DROPPING DOWN THE GRAPEVINE, into the Central Valley, I was blinded by dense fog. The famvan in front hit the brakes, I started slow down, too...
... was this a good idea?
I passed them going 40, to get in front, just in case someone came barreling along at 65.
Breaking the speed limit wasn't necessary...
... first, I had to get to the start line.
Racing is that way.
We take risks,
high on adrenaline...
... relishing in the Oh shift! moments.
Living to race another day,
... to win, we simply need to get to the finish line ahead of the others.
I can tell you this...
- faith
- practice
- commitment
... are key to dominating the risks we take.
8 hrs sleep
Pullups Pushups Deadlifts
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
78 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy
SLEEP IS A CRAZY THING. We need it, we know we need, we figure we can wing it if don't get enough. One would think if we're awake for more hours...
... we'd burn more calories.
Kinda true.
Here's the problem, at least for me, when I don't get enough sleep...
... I crave calories.
You know...
- sugar
- donuts
- cookies
... a sugar hit to rev me up.
What's the anti-dote?
- Crank up the protein intake,
crowd out the carbs. - Get in the easy workouts,
pushups, pullups, air squats - Be a cat,
take a nap
That, and a little extra caffeine helps me get through those rough days.
The better choice,
get to bed early,
same time,
each day...
... proper sleep is key.
7 hrs sleep
No strength training.
0 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
78 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy
YOU KNOW WHAT A MULLET IS RIGHT? Going against decades of wisdom, I changed my bike set up 12 hours before a huge gravel race. I was tempted to do more, but kept it...
... this wacky set up.
- smooth asphalt
- chunky asphalt
- rotten asphalt
- smooth dirt
- rocky dirt
- awful dirt
... this route has it all.
At the last second, I swapped out my 45mm upfront for...
... a massive 2.2 mtb tire.
So glad I did.
Aint' nothing like 40 mph down a rough gravel road...
... with a chicane in the middle.
Almost, and I mean almost, didn't make it.
One guy went full Isle of Man over edge...
... and was heard yelling Medic! Medic! Medic!
My mtb tire was all business,
the rear end was full party mode,
slipping, sliding and drifting to keep...
... and keep upright.
There was a trade off.
While very fast on the rough stuff,
the mtb tire with 20 lbs of pressure...
... was sluggish and slow on the road.
It was helpful on the tarmac to have the 45 in the back,
even at 26 lbs of pressure.
The only thing I really would have changed on my set up was the front ring...
... should have mounted the 42 tooth instead keeping the 46 on.
For two reasons...
- the course has some serious 20%+ pitches and they were killing me
- the 46 might be a little worn, I dropped the chain twice
... so dumb, I knew better.
Oh, here's another change up for raceday without proving in testing...
... I loaded my bottles with 4 scoops of CarboRocket evil - 444 calories.
This worked great.
Had great power until the last hour or so...
- pneumonia last month
- and that tall gearing
... is to blame.
Easy fix.
I'd rate the day...
- incredible course
- perfect weather
- seeing friends
... a freakin' 10!
160.9 (guessing no scale this morning)
7.5 hrs sleep
No strength training.
10 minutes recovery
30 minutes reading + Journaling
80 (fitness per training peaks)
10 min vision therapy
SPRING IS COMING, if you're a farmer, you're thinking about all the work to be done prepping fields, then planting seeds. Soon, it'll be time to...
... mothball the trainers.
We're planting seeds now,
in winter.
And, it's definitely a volume thing.
The more we plant,
the bigger the harvest.
But, here's the dill,
the kinds of seeds we plant matters.
Base miles.
Strength training.
Eating like an Olympian.
Gorging on junk food,
skipping the gym,
tiny miles.
What we plant matters,
it's going to grow.
How much...
... are we going to reap?
8 hrs sleep
No strength training.
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
74 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy
36 HOURS TILL THE RACE STARTS. I'm packing up the van with clothes, blankets and snacks and stuff. That's easy...
... it's the tire choice i'm freakin' on.
I've been running Conti RaceKings on my gravel bike for months,
same tires I race on my MTB.
They're cushy,
fast over rough terrain,
extra trustworthy when it comes to flats.
Perfect for Rock Cobbler's technical sections,
and the miles of horse hoof scarred dirt roads.
But, they are super slow on the paved sections.
I looked at the route on Map My Ride.
Near as I can tell, about half the course is paved.
So I mounted up my fave TerraSpeed 45 tires for a shake down ride today.
... they're waaaaaaaaay faster on paved, and smooth gravel.
Forgot about that.
It could be muddy,
and the TerraSpeeds have much better clearance.
Time spent in each type of terrain...
- Paved and smooth TerraSpeeds get the vote
- Rough n rocky it's RaceKing all the way
- Climbing it's about equal
... is what's gonna matter.
We'll probably spend more time on dirt.
Dirts my natural habitat,
opting to give up a little there,
for the efficiency and speed on the smooth...
... TerraSpeeds for the win.
Which is kinda funny,
I'm not in racing shape,
planning to use it as a big training ride...
... what everybody says until the gun goes off.
This is a super rad event. If you're going, look for the PEDALindustries tent.
8 hrs sleep
Pullups, pushups, no dead lifts
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
76 (fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy
WE ALL KNOW COMPARING OURSELVES TO OTHERS is losing game. Yet, we do it. We're addicted to it, and...
... it's plain evil.
Look, every now and again, I get bored,
sitting upon my porcelain thrown.
This morning, I'm poking around the TP app geeking out on data and I see this insidious link...
... See how I stack up.
What good can come of that...
- I see good numbers and my head swells necessitating a new Kask Helmet?
- I see bad numbers and my soul shrivels
- I see I'm average
... the horror.
I resisted clicking on the link for at least a nanosecond,
maybe two.
And there it was...
... how little ol' me rates in the world.
Per the data, I stacked up a lot better in 2023 than today in 2025...
... not surprising, 2024 was a health dumpster.
It was barely motivating,
maybe I could get my numbers back.
As the great Desiderata reminds us...
... If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
8.5 hrs sleep
Pullups, pushups, dead lifts
10 minutes recovery
30 minutes reading + Journaling
76 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy
CAN'T REMEMBER THE LAST TIME I PURCHASED A TUBE, not sure I could find one in the garage if I wanted to...
... tubes are dead to me.
Sure, there's the super rare and impossible to plug tire failure.
I think my last one was 3 years ago,
maybe longer.
Buddy had a tube,
yeah, I was that guy.
I think I carried one at Leadville 3 years ago,
but I'm not sure.
Think about it...
- rarely flat
- faster rollling
- little nicks self-seal
... that's a sample how good tubeless is.
But, here's the dill, we have to...
... add sealant before we puncture.
Life's weird that way.
8.5 hrs sleep
Pullups, pushups, dead lifts
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
74 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy
I REMEMBER THE FIRST REALLY GOOD CRASH on the road. I'd bombed down the steep asphalt with no chance of making the turn...
... I thought I'd burned a hole right through the knee cap.
Palms were bleeding.
I was five.
Blasting a 12 hour MTB race, I wanted to turn in the hot lap at night.
The front end washed out and I hit hard.
Tore up the bibs,
a bleeding cherry the size of my palm on my hip.
Hustling up a steep rocky section, my cleat pulled out of my pedal,
then spun around like an ice cream scooper,
taking a chunk of my shin.
Two of us were vying for the cleanest line over a rocky drop off.
I lost,
urgent care revealed my cracked ribs.
Pre-running a Super-D course I misjudged the angle of a drop,
and augured in on my collar bone.
Broke off one inch of the end.
Everyone of these injuries left a...
- mark
- lesson
- memory
... proof I was pushing the boundaries of my capabilities.
From there it was...
... improve or back down.
That's the choice.
8.5 hrs sleep
Pullups, pushups, dead lifts
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
74 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy
READER RICK ASKED HOW I CALM MY NERVES on raceday. I gave it no thought, just riffed on what I do...
... during those final moments before the gun goes off.
I shared it with Surfergirl,
she had a very different take.
My riff was about gratitude...
- for being on the line
- having the luxury to race
- the health and stamina necessary
... all while my eyes are closed.
A private moment of silence.
The importance of knowing I'd done all I could do.
It is time to go for it, and let the chips fall where they may.
Winning is nice,
knowing I'd left it all on the course is better.
She looked at me and said..
... I thought you just like to get pissed off?!
Oh, that, too.
TBH, the angst is often...
- training alone
- warming up for the race
- maybe a dis that got back to me
.... she's right, there's always something to fire me up.
Then, the aforementioned calm before the flag drops.
8 hrs sleep
No strength work
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
74 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy