THE OPPORTUNITIES TO EMPLOY AI are everywhere. For us, we might try an AI coach. But, how do we know it's good?  Well...

... I tried out AI, with something I know a thing or three about.

I asked AI to write a blog post in the flavor of our blog.

It was a good effort,
but here's the problem.

I personally get so much out of writing these posts daily, I shutter to think of letting go the opportunity to slice through what's working and deliver it to us in a creative way.

The personal challenge of the ritual and discipline each evening...

  • fingers
  • keyboard
  • proof reading

... would be a tremendous loss, were I to outsource it.

It's the same reason we...

  • run
  • ride
  • swim

... IRL vs playing a video game of our chosen sport.

We live for...

  • the feel pain
  • to take chances
  • and hack our bodies

... because there is not substitute the tests of mortality.

Just ask Grok.


8 hrs sleep

PullUps, PushUps, Box Jumps
10 minutes stretching
82(fitness per training peaks)
40 min vision therapy
