HELP!, I'VE MISPLACED my HR strap, and I can't record the data. Can I even train now? What will Starva think? How...
... can I be sure I even trained at all?
Silly thoughts before I rolled out to do...
- 29 mi
- 4173 vert
- under 2 hours
... my Hill Fest route.
Normally, I'm all about the HR.
Keeping it in the HR zone.
Today was all about the PWR.
Keeping it in the PWR zone.
Here's what I found fascinating.
When I'm focused on, say keeping HR in Tempo or Threshold...
- position
- cadence
- breathing
... I don't pay as much attention to my form.
The focus on this ride was keeping my PWR above 250.
When I was making that effort, 250+ watts, I found that when I focus on my position in the saddle, keeping my cadence high...
- my PWR output is higher
- my breathing is easier
- I'm going faster
... there is actually a sweet spot position for me to be in.
Some Normalized PWR comparisons:
- Today, 246
- Saturday's race, 240
- My normal Tuesday group ride, 229
It would have been nice to have my HR monitor, and go back and see how hard my heart was working.
The main take away for me is, when I'm training alone...
... I'm better off to train with PWR and Cadence only on the screen.
Worth experimenting with, IMHO.
8.25 hrs sleep
PullUps, PushUps
10 minutes stretching
84(fitness per training peaks)
40 min vision therapy