HEARD A GOOD ONE TODAY. My pal and first cycling coach, Bret, was driving with the great Erik Zabel behind a large group ride, in San Francisco, spread 5 wide across the only lane....

... Zabel had a few thoughts.

Who are these guys?

Oh, this is well-known group ride.

They are Ferrari riders.

Ferrari riders?

Then followed some sort of mangled German, Bret didn't understand...

... yet, got the gist.

What do mean?

You, you have pedal stroke like sewing machine...

... these guys on fancy bikes mash in squares.


Like weekend Ferrari drivers.

I don't the point was to denigrate the hardware, more of...

... a comment on looking vs acting the part.

Truth is...

  • practice
  • coaching
  • genuine feel

... it takes time and determination to develop a smooth pedal stroke.

Here are a few...

  • rid a fixy
  • one-legged drills
  • high cadence, over 120

... ways to improve pedal stroke.


8 hrs sleep

Pullups and Pushups
10 minutes stretching
91 (fitness per training peaks)
40 min vision therapy