IT WAS LIKE A TIME MACHINE today. A little knee-high that looked all of fourteen years old slipped off the front and basically just disappeared. None of the hitters chased...
... they let 'im go.
Maybe they had to?
Meanwhile, I'm hanging on...
... wonderin' what's going on.
The last time a little 120ish lb rascal was playing with us like this...
... he went on to join the pro tour.
Kevin Vermaerke.
Before that, I can only think of Floyd Landis.
There are probably others in between, and before, who've reached the highest levels of the sport, and many who have gone pro.
For sure.
The question is would the kids have...
... thrived without a supporting and challenging community?
8 hrs sleep
No Strength Work
0 minutes stretching
96 (fitness per training peaks)
0 min vision therapy