THERE WAS A BRIEF BREAK in the rain. After a 1 hour delay, lucky me got to speedsuit up. The course was wet, slightly muddy, shortened...

... we'd be flyin'. 

Fortunately, it started to rain again about 10 mins before my start time.

It was a TT.

4, 3, 2, 1, GO!

I've never raced a TT, crossed the finish line, and thought...

... I could have gone faster.

I've never seen the results of a TT, after recovering, and not thought...

... I could have gone faster.

Metaphor for life.



Does that deserve a deconstruction?

  • Warm up was pretty good, 35 minutes with varied efforts
  • Got to start with 2 mins to spare, in other words late.
  • Ditched my jacket.
  • Didn't have my Wahoo on the correct screen, fumbled with it rolling out.
  • I race better with computer in my pocket for these efforts, go on feel, check the data later.
  • The cold, even though I was quite warm, was still discouraging. It was hard to be "up" for it.
  • Tire pressure seemed good, 18 front/20 back.
  • Rode the sides of the trail to stay out of the middle's little stream
  • On the back half I rode the stream, it was faster.
  • There is so much sand and decomposed granite, very little mud.
  • Glasses were fogging on warm up, clear at race pace.
  • Wore my speedsuit,base layer, arm warmers.
  • Felt really good.


Update on my back, 48hrs after Dr. Su's torture chamber...

... better than yesterday.

I'm honestly stunned.

Check out this video.

Planning to document daily, through her 7 day promise of all better.

... and, yes, I'd love it if you followed what we're doing over there so you can see us IRL.


? lbs - no scale
8.5 hrs sleep

10 minutes stretching
81(fitness per training peaks)
25 min vision therapy