FOR MOST OF US, there were no tryouts. We rode, we ran, we swam. After prodding from a friend, a flashy flyer at the coffee shop, a seed was planted. One day, we woke up and said...
... Hey, I should try a race.
What have I a got to lose?
Nothing, just...
- pride
- confidence
- social standing
... and everything to gain.
The space between registration and finishing oscillates...
... between daunting and piece of cake.
One moment we've got it all under control,
the next we are freakin' out,
or want to quit.
Before we ever start.
It's not a tryout,
where we hope to get picked...
... it's a figure it out,
and we pick ourselves.
We keep going, pressing on because...
... we are endless fascinated with the idea of how far we can go?
7.5 hrs sleep
No Strength Work
0 minutes stretching
94 (fitness per training peaks)
40 min vision therapy