LATELY, I'M COMPLETELY HUNG UP ON YEAR OVER YEAR COMPARISONS. Focused, might be a better term. It's key that we are...
... documenting the important activities.
I do.
It's automatic.
What am I looking at...
- sales
- fitness
- activities
... on a daily basis?
Sometimes, throughout the day.
Here's the dill.
It's easy to get discouraged if we are off,
just look at that chart above and tell me how you'd feel?
At the same time, we can be encouraged,
when the comparo is tantalizingly positive.
Each reaction is dangerous because they typically lead to...
... letting our foot off the gas.
Whether we are leading or getting shelled, we must..
... get moving,
and keep moving,
towards our long-term goals.
To win any race...
... we've got to start.
8 hrs sleep
PullUps, PushUps
10 minutes stretching
85(fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy