FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ is the town closest to the venue for Cactus Cup. It is so beautiful in the winter, and full of retirees. I see two types out here...
... those still charging, and those who haven't charged for years.
I get it that age will crumble all of us.
why give up?
if you have all kindsa time.
Are we going to acquire the body of Mr. Potato Head...
... or keep pushing, stretching, reaching as high as we can?
Every day.
Here's something to consider.
A large percentage of the racers in the older groups are faster than ever,
because they have the time and money...
... and they have always been active.
Even when...
- kids
- work
- commitments
... made it seem impossible.
They got in the workout...
... some thing is always better than no thing.
Hopefully, we don't flicker out like a candle, and...
... we burn bright and go out like a light.
? lbs - no scale
7 hrs sleep
No Strength
0 minutes stretching
84(fitness per training peaks)
25 min vision therapy