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Get RaceDay Ready
SPRING IS COMING, if you're a farmer, you're thinking about all the work to be done prepping fields, then planting seeds. Soon, it'll be time to...
... mothball the trainers.
We're planting seeds now,
in winter.
And, it's definitely a volume thing.
The more we plant,
the bigger the harvest.
But, here's the dill,
the kinds of seeds we plant matters.
Base miles.
Strength training.
Eating like an Olympian.
Gorging on junk food,
skipping the gym,
tiny miles.
What we plant matters,
it's going to grow.
How much...
... are we going to reap?
8 hrs sleep
No strength training.
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
74 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy
36 HOURS TILL THE RACE STARTS. I'm packing up the van with clothes, blankets and snacks and stuff. That's easy...
... it's the tire choice i'm freakin' on.
I've been running Conti RaceKings on my gravel bike for months,
same tires I race on my MTB.
They're cushy,
fast over rough terrain,
extra trustworthy when it comes to flats.
Perfect for Rock Cobbler's technical sections,
and the miles of horse hoof scarred dirt roads.
But, they are super slow on the paved sections.
I looked at the route on Map My Ride.
Near as I can tell, about half the course is paved.
So I mounted up my fave TerraSpeed 45 tires for a shake down ride today.
... they're waaaaaaaaay faster on paved, and smooth gravel.
Forgot about that.
It could be muddy,
and the TerraSpeeds have much better clearance.
Time spent in each type of terrain...
- Paved and smooth TerraSpeeds get the vote
- Rough n rocky it's RaceKing all the way
- Climbing it's about equal
... is what's gonna matter.
We'll probably spend more time on dirt.
Dirts my natural habitat,
opting to give up a little there,
for the efficiency and speed on the smooth...
... TerraSpeeds for the win.
Which is kinda funny,
I'm not in racing shape,
planning to use it as a big training ride...
... what everybody says until the gun goes off.
This is a super rad event. If you're going, look for the PEDALindustries tent.
8 hrs sleep
Pullups, pushups, no dead lifts
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
76 (fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy
WE ALL KNOW COMPARING OURSELVES TO OTHERS is losing game. Yet, we do it. We're addicted to it, and...
... it's plain evil.
Look, every now and again, I get bored,
sitting upon my porcelain thrown.
This morning, I'm poking around the TP app geeking out on data and I see this insidious link...
... See how I stack up.
What good can come of that...
- I see good numbers and my head swells necessitating a new Kask Helmet?
- I see bad numbers and my soul shrivels
- I see I'm average
... the horror.
I resisted clicking on the link for at least a nanosecond,
maybe two.
And there it was...
... how little ol' me rates in the world.
Per the data, I stacked up a lot better in 2023 than today in 2025...
... not surprising, 2024 was a health dumpster.
It was barely motivating,
maybe I could get my numbers back.
As the great Desiderata reminds us...
... If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
8.5 hrs sleep
Pullups, pushups, dead lifts
10 minutes recovery
30 minutes reading + Journaling
76 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy
CAN'T REMEMBER THE LAST TIME I PURCHASED A TUBE, not sure I could find one in the garage if I wanted to...
... tubes are dead to me.
Sure, there's the super rare and impossible to plug tire failure.
I think my last one was 3 years ago,
maybe longer.
Buddy had a tube,
yeah, I was that guy.
I think I carried one at Leadville 3 years ago,
but I'm not sure.
Think about it...
- rarely flat
- faster rollling
- little nicks self-seal
... that's a sample how good tubeless is.
But, here's the dill, we have to...
... add sealant before we puncture.
Life's weird that way.
8.5 hrs sleep
Pullups, pushups, dead lifts
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
74 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy
I REMEMBER THE FIRST REALLY GOOD CRASH on the road. I'd bombed down the steep asphalt with no chance of making the turn...
... I thought I'd burned a hole right through the knee cap.
Palms were bleeding.
I was five.
Blasting a 12 hour MTB race, I wanted to turn in the hot lap at night.
The front end washed out and I hit hard.
Tore up the bibs,
a bleeding cherry the size of my palm on my hip.
Hustling up a steep rocky section, my cleat pulled out of my pedal,
then spun around like an ice cream scooper,
taking a chunk of my shin.
Two of us were vying for the cleanest line over a rocky drop off.
I lost,
urgent care revealed my cracked ribs.
Pre-running a Super-D course I misjudged the angle of a drop,
and augured in on my collar bone.
Broke off one inch of the end.
Everyone of these injuries left a...
- mark
- lesson
- memory
... proof I was pushing the boundaries of my capabilities.
From there it was...
... improve or back down.
That's the choice.
8.5 hrs sleep
Pullups, pushups, dead lifts
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
74 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy
READER RICK ASKED HOW I CALM MY NERVES on raceday. I gave it no thought, just riffed on what I do...
... during those final moments before the gun goes off.
I shared it with Surfergirl,
she had a very different take.
My riff was about gratitude...
- for being on the line
- having the luxury to race
- the health and stamina necessary
... all while my eyes are closed.
A private moment of silence.
The importance of knowing I'd done all I could do.
It is time to go for it, and let the chips fall where they may.
Winning is nice,
knowing I'd left it all on the course is better.
She looked at me and said..
... I thought you just like to get pissed off?!
Oh, that, too.
TBH, the angst is often...
- training alone
- warming up for the race
- maybe a dis that got back to me
.... she's right, there's always something to fire me up.
Then, the aforementioned calm before the flag drops.
8 hrs sleep
No strength work
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
74 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy
IT SHOULDN'T BE LIKE THIS, but it is. It's hard to explain the joy, but I'll try. Because, I got home today...
... with the biggest goofy grin.
Check it out...
- I went from a nice paved warm up
- To a legit dirt road climb
- Poached single tracks
- Jumped in the group
... all on the same darn bike.
Imagine that.
The hardest part was steamrolling with the group.
According to Dylan Johonson's latest sciency research, those MTB tires were costing me an extra 50 watts at speed.
The thrills...
- seeing those power numbers
- hearing my lungs wail
- feeling the burn
... when we're healthy, there's nothing better.
The gravel portions are an escape from the roads and cars and suburbia.
A great way to break up the paved sectors.
The single track, well...
- is technically challenging
- requires picking good lines
- brings the playfulness into the ride
... it's like old school mountain biking.
The Crux with brake hoods,
handles a lot like the Rock Hopper with bar ends.
It ain't a crime,
but it sure feels like I'm getting away with something.
These T's...
- 8 different color options
- superduper soft cotton
- includes the sticker
ship FREE
... if you order by 2.3.25
7 hrs sleep
PullUps, PushUps, Split Squats
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
76 (fitness per training peaks - big bump today, still 20% down from pre-pneumonia)
30 min vision therapy
WE SHOT THIS VIDEO 8 YEARS AGO, it's made it's way around the interwebs about 10,000,000 times. Our peaceful group of kinda-law-abiding citizens...
... getting the full riot act from the local motorbike cop.
It's classic.
He's blocks traffic...
- dismounts
- dropping F bombs
- ready to throw all 50 of us in the slammer
... very wound up.
After about 10 minutes of insults and threats, he suddenly gives up and rides on.
So do we.
Did we really blow the stop sign?
Uh, maybe.
Have we ever let a distracted driver know our true feelings?
Was a good experience for anybody?
Not really.
Could we do better?
You can see it on our Instagram channel - https://www.instagram.com/pedalindustries/
Have a monstrous laugh, and remember...
... Bike riding isn't a crime.
These T's...
- 8 different color options
- superduper soft cotton
- includes the sticker
ships FREE
... if you order by 2.3.25
7 hrs sleep
PullUps, PushUps, Split Squats
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
70 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy
THERE'S A REASON most of keep our commitment to fitness on the downlow. We know people would be absolutely startled. Which is weird, 'cause...
... no one bats an eye at our dedication to our careers.
Would they be amazed at our...
- ho-hum 100-mile ride, 20-mile run
- 5000' climb up a mountain
- resting HR in the 40s
... if they knew how hard we work at it?
Probably not.
Put in the work,
whatever it is...
... reap the rewards.
8 hrs sleep
PullUps, PushUps, Split Squats
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
72 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy
WHAT IF WE KNEW ABSOLUTELY FOR CERTAIN that all our present efforts would 100% lead us to the promised land. If we could know...
... the training was guaranteed to pay off.
A day like today,
gives hope to the Grandmasterflashy plan.
And, I have one.
Because as Richard reminded me on the vicious ride today...
... The last 12 months your health has been a dumpster fire
Thanks, man.
The problem we face with long range plans is it feels like we're going nowhere because...
... real, lasting progress can be slow.
It looks and feels like nothing is happening.
That's where the data can be so important.
This morning, I felt good for the first time in months.
The numbers weren't outstanding in the overall scheme...
... but, improvement was recorded.
As the old saying goes...
... what gets measured, gets managed.
Measure what matters,
manage for long-term excellence.
7.5 hrs sleep
PullUps, PushUps, Split Squats
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
72 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy
FOOD IS SO PLENTIFUL, marketed so well, with fabulous supply chains serving our needs seemingly on demand, and many many many of our fellow citizens are making up...
... a rather fleshy republic.
What to do...
- real food
- trusted preparation
- ingredients we can identify
... is how to eat.
Not starving.
Not gorging.
And, sure as heck...
... not bonking.
It ain't complicated.
Until we get down to the business of performance and hard training.
Currently, I'm all in on...
- 100 grams of carbs/hour
- proper hydration
- recovery meal
... when I'm getting after it.
If we simply commit to one thing, we are winning...
(Note: I'm well aware of the individual and real challenges suffered by our friends and family. One of mine had an issue with the stomach that caused all kinds of bloating and weight gain and after meeting with a functional health doctor, going on a special diet, taking meds, got it sorted it. Took months, totally worth it.)
8 hrs sleep
PullUps, PushUps, Split Squats
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
71 (fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy
THERE'S ONLY ONE WAY TO GET REALLY GOOD at this thing we call endurance, and it ain't learning how to suffer or any other...
... method of torture.
It's real simple.
If we wanna be great,
we gotta be consistent.
But, here's what I mean by that.
Sure, we can train a bunch this week and not so much the next.
In fact, it usually starts with I'm gonna skip tomorrow...
... it's not convenient.
A consistent person, bent on seeing how good they can be would more likely say...
... I'm super busy tomorrow, gonna get up early and get it done, even if it's just 15 minutes.
We can always adjust the allotted time.
7.25 hrs sleep
PullUps, PushUps, Split Squats
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
70 (fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy
PUSH THE LIMITS ENOUGH and we'll find out just where they lie. In the exhilarating process, it's likely we'll...
... earn a few permanent tattoos.
- broken bones
- nasty gashes
- flesh wounds
... mostly leaving marks and memories.
The rehab can challenge our pain threshold,
as well as our patience.
We want to get back at it.
The progress is slow.
In these moments...
... I have a go to song.
Rocky Raccoon, with it's hero's invincible belief...
... No Doc, it's only a scratch and I'll be better as soon as I am able.
Shift gonna happen,
so the heck is our response!
This Lucky offer ends Jan 27th.
The 4-clover leaf kind.
$100 gets you a $120 PRO jersey and matching $20 sublimated socks.
8.25 hrs sleep
No Strength Work
10 minutes recovery
30 minutes reading + Journaling
70 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy
iF YOU WEIGH YOURSELF FULLY DRESSED, after gorging on a heavy meal hoping you've put on a few, you might, and I mean might, get away with unobtanium gear...
... that's a really big if.
Most of us aren't so willowy,
and most of us like get on the gas any time we can.
We happened across a guy who I know is an absolute ripper off road.
I also know his rig always makes mine feel like a lead balloon.
Wheel literally exploded while charging a rock garden,
one we've all done a million times.
(No, I'm not gonna tell ya who... that's not the point.)
First coherent words out of my pal's mouth...
... I'm done with those cheap wheels from China.
This is not a
Told you so post.
More like a
Coulda happened to any of us.
We need to invest in gear that's gonna last and neverever let us down.
It might,
but, probably not if properly maintained.
Do I spend a few extra bucks on brands i trust?
Even when we do all we can, we do need luck to be on our side.
Speaking of luck...
... you're in luck.
The 4-clover leaf kind.
$100 gets you a $120 PRO jersey and matching $20 sublimated socks.
8.25 hrs sleep
Pullups, Pushups, Split Squats
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
68 (fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy
AS SOON AS I SAW A HEART RATE MONITOR, I knew I had to have one. The idea that I could tell how hard my body was working was...
... too compelling to ignore.
It's the best metric.
Don't get me wrong,
I'm a power dork, too.
But, I believe hr is superior in many ways.
For example, gearing up to go for a ride today I looked at the monitor and saw an hr indicative of...
... a healthy body.
58 bpm.
That's my normal before getting going.
I hadn't seen that for nearly 3 weeks.
Having the flu and then pneumonia will do that to us, and keep doing it...
... until we are recovered.
Power alone would never tell me that, but...
... X power with Y heart rate is a good indicator of what's going on inside our wonderful bodies.
I don't race with power.
It's irrelevant.
I'm either making the break or not.
The only time I watched power in a race was at Leadville since racing at over 10,000', when I live at sea level will never allow to put out the power I'm used to at a given heart rate.
Because heart rate lags, checking to make sure I wasn't going over the appropriate power at the start of a climb is helpful.
Mostly, for racing, I keep HR and Cadence on the screen.
Sometimes distance,
it's nice to know where we are relation to the finish line.
Short MTB races,
I usually just toss the monitor in the jersey pocket and review the data later.
Anyway, it's flu season...
... if in doubt, check HR out.
Hopefully, you'll get lucky and skip all that...
... this Lucky Jersey might ward it off.
$100 gets you a $120 PRO jersey and matching $20 sublimated socks.
8.25 hrs sleep
Pullups, Pushups, Split Squats
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
68 (fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy
COMMITTING TO AN 'A' RACE or event or personal challenge, is like committing to a quest. It's freeing, and limiting. Suddenly, our free will is put to the test and we are faced with...
... the reality of who we are.
The quest becomes our north star.
We are free to chose how we will show up when we toe the line.
On our Accountability call last night the question came up...
... How do I lean out?
An answer was offered.
When I got off diet soda my body changed, I dropped my race weight significantly with that one simple adjustment in what I drank.
We are free to choose to commit to a quest...
... we are free to make appropriate decisions along the way.
That is the beauty of an impossibly giant aspiration...
... it guides us to make good, better choices.
Choose wisely...
... and commit.
Sometimes we all need a little luck... and if you love this design, you're in luck.
$100 gets you a $120 PRO jersey and matching $20 sublimated socks.
8.5 hrs sleep
1 Rip On RaceDay rotation
0 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
68 (fitness per training peaks)
WHEN AN ATHLETE GOES FOR a ride, run, swim, they're in the zone. Some have music or a podcast going. Me personally...
... unplugged, it's meditation time.
We know it's going to eventually end.
It's okay.
We enjoy the endorphin high,
totally immersed the the present...
... fully aware there are many more rides, runs and swims to come.
Probably tomorrow.
9 hrs sleep
2 Rip On RaceDay rotation
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
69 (fitness per training peaks)
Working on my next book... let me know what you think.
Normally, this would come at the end of a book or sales pitch. The ol’ One more thing thing.
But, we don’t know if you’re going to finish. We don’t know if you are weak, if you’re the kind of person that talks and doesn’t do, if you’re easily distracted, if you’re a wishy-washy whimster.
What you are going to be required to do will take less time than you think, require you to give up some wasteful vices, and change your life.
However, because it is simple and at times doesn’t seem relative you will be tempted to discount and skip certain steps. Do so and you will get a cheapened version of yourself. You will be RaceDay Mostly-Ready, RaceDay Kinda-Ready.
I don’t want that for you.
Do you?
What I do want from you is a 10-Week Commitment to make lasting changes in how you function and have you be RaceDay Ready every day for the rest of your life.
In summary, here’s the plan:
· Pick an A race
· Commit to complete the 10-Week RaceDay Ready Challenge
· Remain RaceDay Ready forever
9 hrs sleep
2 Rip On RaceDay rotation
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
69 (fitness per training peaks)
IT'S PRETTY COOL TO PLOT OUT THE YEAR, plan the different phases. Plug in all the numbers, miles, data points into a spreadsheet...
... and see how amazing we'll be come summer.
I call that .xl fast.
Being fast as heck on a spreadsheet...
... is intoxicating.
But, there's a problem...
- it's fake
- it's just paper
- it's doesn't prepare
... the variables of competition.
We must face competitors who are...
- prepared
- devious
- sneaky
... there is no way to program reality.
If we're going to excel,
we've got to race.
8.5 hrs sleep
1 Rip On RaceDay rotation
0 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
NOTHING MAKES A SPOUSE GIDIER THAN THE WORD REMODEL. I'm not sure it even matters what is being upgraded, I just know...
... work, investment and upgrade are magic words.
There's a...
- start date,
- an end date
- and blueprints
... then the work begins.
A complete remodel means stripping everything down the to studs.
I think I'm there...
- pneumonia
- double vision
- associated weight loss
... it could be worse, but, the studs do seem exposed.
It's time to rebuild.
Start date is now.
Pneumonia will hopefully clear in a week or so.
Vision therapy starts this week.
Any remaining vision complications from October's brain surgery should clear no later than April.
The blueprint, my calendar, is looking like this.
I think I can be somewhat ready for action when Sea Otter rolls around in April.
Seems like a worthy goal to be ready,
and a super stretch goal to get a coin for Unbound.
The next step, would be to roll into the last 3 BWR races - CA, UT and MT,
the super stretch goal would be to get on the series podium.
How do I plan to get that done...
... follow my RaceDay Ready program.
So, what's the end date...
... the big reveal?
First, Gravel Nats,
with the super stretch goal of winning.
(major imposter syndrome kicking in that)
Second, break my PR on SurfNSummit,
with the super stretch goal of breaking 10 hours.
(this I REALLY want to accomplish)
DETAILS HERE: https://pedalindustries.com/products/surf-n-summit-california-may-2025?_kx=
123.23 miles
15,177 feet
Time to get to work.
9 hrs sleep
0 strength work
0 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling
THERE'S JUST SOMETHING ABOUT THE WIND ripping through the helmet, pushing ears flat, creeping past our fancy glasses that is indescribable...
... impossible for most people to understand.
We're dogs.
Dogs with their...
- head out a speeding car window
- tongue flapping in the wind
- goofy smiles
... that's the answer to the question.
Why do you ride?
No need to explain...
- the challenges
- camaraderie
- adventure
... the priceless benefits.
8.5 hrs sleep
3 pullups 9 pushup
0 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
THERE IS SO MUCH TO FIGURE OUT on the first race. Sure we know how ride, run and swim, that ain't nearly enough. No matter how much we study up, have a friend help us, we are...
... quite sure there is a code.
And, we don't know it!
Even if we did.
From start to finish...
... it feels like a big-time bank heist.
We are...
- rushing
- sweating
- on the verge of panicking
... trying to remember everything we were supposed to have memorized.
In all likelihood we'll be...
- taken away
- exposed
- busted
... and that is what makes it so dern fun!
The self-imposed pressure is tremendous.
We freakin' love it.
Live for it.
We commit to crack the code...
... till we get away scot-free.
8 hrs sleep
1 pullup 1 pushup
0 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
SO, A MAN WALKS INTO A BAR... I mean, what I've gone through the last month is...
... the kinda thing you can only laugh about.
I'm sharing it with you because...
- I love you
- Want you to avoid this
- Believe you would come through fine
... for the simple reason we're in pretty damn fine shape.
Just over a month ago, my vision went double from one moment to the next. Not a great thing...
... when ripping a steep and rutted single track.
It got progressively worse.
Called the neurosurgeon.
Got on a steroid.
They warned me my immune system would be compromised.
Apparently, it's a common side-effect of the gamma surgery I had in October.
Vision got better.
Steroid treatment ended.
Next day double vision starts back.
The following Saturday, it was so bad Singing Andy forced me to ride straight to his home, so he could drive me.
Drive of shame, I tell ya!
Go home.
Sunday, it's so bad kids and wife are bugging the crud outta me to go to ER, since surgeon's office closed for holiday.
We go.
8 hours later, we got a new MRI and new steroid prescription...
... and a positive test for influenza.
I rest.
But, you know for dang sure, Ima gonna do the NYD ride.
Felt good on ride.
Came home, collapsed.
Vision kept improving.
I kept riding.
Started feeling progressively worse Monday.
I'd ride easy.
Come home completely annihilated.
Finally on Friday, I cave.
I gotta rest.
Horrible, sick weekend.
Little improvement.
Yesterday, met with nuero and confirmed double vision caused by tumor. Tumor not growing, likely dying.
Damn fine news.
Today met with visual therapist and explained eyes have been jacked since TBI year ago.
She was impressed with what I could do, and quite confident we can improve and possible restore my vision.
More good news.
This afternoon, I decided it was time to get this cough figured out.
Freakin' pneumonia!
But, actually, good news.
I'm really glad I quite riding last week.
Wish I'd quit a few days earlier.
- should have been more on top of the vision therapy a year ago
- should have quarantined myself and skipped family parties
- should have started resting way way way sooner
... this will be fun to come back from.
Bring it on 2025!
80 hrs sleep
no strength work
0 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
I LIKE DOING EPIC RIDES AND RACES. Bunch of miles, lots of time, long periods between reloading nutrition and hydration, throw in some dirt or crazy climb...
... and voila, me happy.
It wasn't always that way, it took...
... a special kind of training.
Where you wrap your head around the idea of going longer than you ever thought possible.
My first real bike ride was 6 miles.
The next day, I got crazy and went 12 miles.
Six weeks later, my roommate and I rode 125 miles and about 10,000' of climbing.
It was so hard.
Our nutrition strategy consisted of water and whatever we could find at the country store...
... mainly Snickers and popsicles.
- bonked
- cramped
- sunburned
... and decades later, were still charging.
Over time, I cracked the code to doing epic rides mainly by...
... doing a lot of epic rides.
Ludicrously long,
turned into that sounds fun.
The mysteries were solved...
- rest
- pacing
- nutrition
- hydration
... and my brain, which controls my body, adjusted to the demands of the effort vs. freakin' out.
Sure, we gotta do the miles to do the miles, but...
... don't discount the mental gains being made.
Braindurance is real.
10 hrs sleep
no strength work
0 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling
MILES JUST AREN'T THE SAME as in a car. Whether we are running or riding, they are almost...
... always impossibly enjoyable.
We plie 'em up to embarrassing amounts.
Who far'd you ride?
I dunno, 4 or 5 hours.
Yeah, but how far?
Hmmm, 60, 80, maybe a hundred.
I don't know about you, but all I ever get after that type of exchange is the...
... you're f'ing crazy, dude.
Therefore, I propose a code.
Since 70 miles, feels like driving 10 trapped in the confines of a car...
... let's divide by 7.
Kinda like multiplying by 7 to calculate a dog's age.
How far'd you ride?
Oh, about 10 miles.
Wow, that's great.
10.5 hrs sleep (still so sick)
No strength work
0 minutes recovery
180 minutes reading + Journaling
IT IS ESSENTIAL to be intentional with our training for a particular race. It can mean all the difference in the world to how we perform...
... specificity is king.
It took me a long time to crack the code to epic distance racing.
More than one person, this year, heck this week!, has asked me how to go fast at Leadville.
I've told every single one of them, some for months...
... You've got to develop the capacity to ride Tempo for long periods of time.
There's more to it.
Developing the discipline to stay out of Threshold and VO2 max...
... is critical to success.
Funny thing is,
nobody, apparently, wants to hear this.
How do I know?
Because I keep getting the same calls from the same people asking me what to do.
In 2012, I did an 8:32.
Here's the chart of my HR.
In 2019, I PR'd at 8:15
In 2022, I PR'd again at 7:57
Does anything stand out there to you?
Look at the time spent at Threshold with each effort.
Would this work for a...
- track racer
- crit racer
- XC racer
- road racer
... not for max performance.
Why it works is a story for another day.
11 hrs sleep
No strength work
0 minutes recovery
180 minutes reading + Journaling
IN WORLD WHERE EVERYONE HAS their own truth, it's hard to tell what is really the truth. And, it matters. Truth...
... makes everything clear and easy.
So, let me be as clear as I can be.
These are the 5 laws,
commandments if you will.
- REST. Get plenty of rest. Sleep a lot. Doing less and resting may not make sense to a beginner, but we get it. Right? Sleep is critical.
- GOOD FOOD. Keep it simple. Don't eat sugar or drink alcohol or do drugs. Do eat whole foods, meals where we can identify the ingredients. For example, a steak salad vs a protein bar.
- GO HARD SPARINGLY. We need to have the brutally hard efforts, once or twice a week. That's it. Not every day.
- GO EASY ABUNDANTLY. The rest of our endurance training should be easy and fun and rejuvenating.
- LIFT WEIGHTS. Resistance exercise, heavy weight and low reps, builds power and makes bones strong. I like large muscle groups, primarily pull ups, pushups, and squats.
That's it.
Okay, that's not it.
But, that is the truth and when we get that right...
... we're 95% there.
There, being extremely fit and healthy.
Notice, doing that is practically free...
... just takes some dedication.
12 hrs sleep
No strength work
0 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
WHEN IT COMES TO GETTING FASTER, it's easy to go down the free speed rabbit hole. So many variables, so hard to prove valid...
... we can be such suckers for marketing.
Then, there's the flippin' placebo effect.
... what's a credit card wheelin', lycra-clad, speed junkie to do?
There are sites like Zero Friction,
YouTubers like Dylan Johnson,
the local speed freak.
Plus, e-zines and sites gettin' us (am I the only one?) all hyped up to buy some free speed.
Which brings up the truth.
It ain't free.
In many cases, think...
... arm and a leg pricing.
If I had to rank 'em, assuming the frame is appropriate...
- Wheels, Bearings & Tires
- Drivetrain - BB, chain, wax
- Helmet
- Apparel
- Shoes
... on the equipment side.
Nutrition is essential, and there are some neat on the bike eating and fueling secrets and products to be had.
Don't forget or neglect recovery: sleep, massage, nutrition, etc.
The good stuff can be startlingly better.
Do thy research...
... and spend wisely (cash only, no cc's).
12 hrs sleep (still fighting this bug)
0 strength work
0 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling
TWO OF THE LAST THREE YEARS, have started with solid setbacks. In each case, I thought all was lost. Then I remembered the...
... advice of my dear ol' grampappy.
My boy...
... it's not the problem it's how you handle it.
Hard words for a love struck 14 yr old, getting nowhere with his puppy love.
The key to that wisdom it not so much handling the problem as...
... having faith and getting started.
Not running away.
Not giving up.
As I sit here completely wiped out by some sort of bug, coughing my brains out, I've come the realization...
- I will get better
- I will enjoy this slothful moment
- I will resist to bounce back too early
... it's early January f' cryin' outloud.
Take this setback for what it is...
... an opportunity to reset.
That's what racers do.
158.3 lbs (not a good way lo lose wight.)
10ish hrs sleep (9:15pm-7:30am)
0 round of PullUps PushUps DeadLifts
0 minutes recovery
30 minutes reading + Journaling
THE REASON I LIKE TO READ FICTION is simply to imagine myself in impossible situations. The inner dialogue of the hero of my current book, Jericho Quinn, was spot on...
... to how I feel about racing.
Can you relate to this?
"He knew he was born for the rough stuff. His heart never truly beat until it was going full bore."
Exactly how I every time the gun goes.
It can get me in trouble though.
Like right now, with this nagging, awful cough and headache.
It's been going all week.
Have I rested?
Just been doing all I can to keep going...
... totally idiotic.
158.1 lbs (not a good way lo lose wight.)
9ish hrs sleep (9:15pm-6:30am)
1 round of PullUps PushUps DeadLifts
0 minutes recovery
30 minutes reading + Journaling
GOALS CAN BE GREAT. I say "can" because, let's be honest they usually aren't. I have a theory about that and it starts with...
.... easy.
It is so easy to set a goal.
... set 100 goals.
And, that's the problem.
We set 'em like there's...
- the no other goals
- no current commitments
- we have limitless bandwidth
... no impact on our lives.
Having a million goals...
... is like having no goals.
I try and keep it to...
- physical
- business
- social
- spiritual
... one big goal per year.
It's a heckuvalot easier to accomplish one thing than twenty.
And guess what...
... if it's a big enough goal, it might take 5,10, 20 years.
159.2 lbs (yes, this bug I have has evaporated my appetite)
9ish hrs sleep (9:30pm-6:15am)
1 round of PullUps PushUps DeadLifts
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
I THINK WE ALL HAVE A SENSE of cycling style. You know, what we think looks cool, and what we don't. At least, you should by now...
... unless you are brandspankingnew.
New kids are typically nervous and anxious...
- am I wearing the proper gear, 'cause I feel nearly naked
- do I look like Darth Vader with this helmet and glasses
- how tall should my socks be
... form and function questions.
Once acquainted with the options...
- looking cool
- being comfortable
- optimizing for speed
... start to take precedent.
Here's my general rules...
- gloves match shoes
- socks match jersey
- dark bibs
... all things being equal.
Which leaves the helmet, or helmets.
And this insane offer...
... buy a KASK helmet, get a FREE RaceDay Bag.
160.2 lbs
9ish hrs sleep (9:45pm-6:55am)
2 round of PullUps PushUps DeadLifts
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
HOW ABOUT THIS - a snack that needs no refrigeration, is a snap to prepare, gives an energy boost, and produces negative calories. How many
... would you consume per day?
Yes, there really is such a snack.
Proven by science...
- pull ups
- pushups
- deadlifts
- box jumps
are my go to's.
Personally, I like to enjoy one every 45-60 minutes...
- energy boost
- calorie burning
- improved cognitive function
... are legit benefits in less than 2 minutes.
I was reminded of this on Andrew Huberman's podcast...
... he's an actual scientist,
I'm just a dude who figures stuff out.
Note: not all scientists know what the heck they are talking about...
- study
- test it
- reject or incorporate
... it's called science for a reason - being 100% certain for all time ain't it.
160.5 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (9:45pm-555am)
1 round of PullUps PushUps DeadLifts
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
THE LEGENDARY ATHLETE was returning to competition. It was to be a momentous year, documented professionally, all the world would know...
... he was back to bring them to heel.
What a dream.
After hiring a new..
- coach
- nutritionist
- top secret strength doctor
... there was one beautiful medal to show for all the effort.
Not bronze,
silver, or
A beautiful finisher's medal.
Not what he, his family or sponsors had hoped for.
Here's the dill...
... every time we battle, we have a chance to learn and improve.
is where
it starts.
161.4 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (9:45pm-555am)
3 rounds of PullUps PushUps DeadLifts
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
WELL, TODAY WAS DEFINITELY the best ride of the year. Chilly start, dust down, trails open for blasting...
... the bar has been set.
It wasn't just the conditions.
The route entailed...
- fast gravel
- twisty single track
- plus, pack dynamics
... all the things I love.
And, of course, my pals.
- Love Watts and I rolled at 7am.
- Hooked up with CV, local group road ride, at 8:50 am.
- Back to dirt, with Chuckles, Zone 2, and Mrs. Smith, around 9:30ish.
The rig of choice...
... the Crux, with RaceKing 2.0s.
What could make this ride even better?
Oh, I have an answer.
A forgotten trail was bulldozed during fire season...
- it'll add another 1000' of climbing
- sneak through penal a colony
- miles of single track
... and will pour us out at my favorite country store, for a Coke and chips.
We have 360 days to find the perfect ride...
... 2025 is off to a heckuva start.
159.8 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (10pm-555am)
1 rounds of PullUps PushUps DeadLifts BoxJumps
10 minutes recovery
30 minutes reading + Journaling
IF YOU'RE DRIVEN, and you probably are if you're a regular reader, seeing zone 1 on the training plan...
... is laughable.
We don't even know what that is.
We try to do it,
see the numbers.
Think, That's not going to help...
... awwwww, skrewit!
I have a solution.
It came to me on today's ride.
First, there was the absurdly long skid in the dirt...
- speed up
- back brake locked
- back wheel as unweighted as possible.
... just to see how long I could get it.
Then, the idea to jump onto and back off of every curb possible.
There was more.
My favorite was weaving the extensive traffic cones as long as possible without touching brakes or pedals.
90 minutes later, I coulda cared less about zone 1...
... I was in zone fun.
160.3 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (9:30pm-5:55am)
3 rounds of PullUps PushUps DeadLifts
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
CLEARING THE TOP OF THE CLIMB, I was leaning to initiate a turn back towards home. Not sure if I hit a rock, or what, but next thing I know...
... I'm on a different trajectory.
Was it meant to be?
I mean...
- not a cloud in the sky
- nobody on the trails
- crazy warm day
... geez.
Why such a hurry to get back?
Why not go straight up the the trail to the country store...
... for an ice cream bar?
Some turns really are for the better.
160.5 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (9pm-530am)
3 rounds of PullUps PushUps DeadLifts BoxJumps
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO THE UNTHINKABLE, when it's unthinkable? Talk about a paradox. What it really means is...
... go way beyond the comfortable.
The great Wende Cragg captured the unthinkable...
- riding to a mountain top under a full-moon to watch the sunrise
- coaster brakes so hot they smoke after a downhill
- helmetlessly racing klunkers in jeans
... the birth of mountain biking.
50 years ago, her Pentax camera, snapped and preserved everything those...
... crazy pioneers were living.
The lifestyle.
Her documentary - click here - is as inspirational as it is mesmerizing.
Watch it.
It's got me thinking it might be a wholotta fun to get the hard training done M-F, and...
... use that fitness for adventure on the weekend.
162.7 lbs
7ish hrs sleep (1030pm-530am)
1 round of PullUps PushUps DeadLifts
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
IF WE'RE GONNA BEGIN THE YEAR pretending we are committed to some outlandish new start, I figured I might as well end 2024 with...
... a ridiculous challenge.
I can look back and say If I could do that thing...
... I sure as heck can do this, too.
That's called stacking confidence.
At 6:45 this morning, I decided to do 100 pull ups today.
A first,
by a lot.
Since my normal m.o. 3x on the pushups, that'd 300.
And, I figured I might as well add 3-loaded Bulgarian split squats for every pull up, for 300 per leg.
Sounded doable at 6:45.
I'd just take a break every 30 minutes and bang out a round of the three moves.
It got hard,
the 30 minute goal drifted.
I learned...
- breaking up the day = hustle, productivity
- found my split squat limit to be 60 lb dumbell in each hand
- muscles felt awesome through 8 rotations
- posture is great
- these are better than smoke breaks
- got hungry, ate more than normal
- 30 min goes fast, aware of time waste
- required 12.5 hours to complete
... I can still do hard things.
Now, what to get done in 2025?
Happy New Year Y'all
162 lbs
7ish hrs sleep (1030pm-530am)
100 PullUps 190 PushUps 53 DeadLifts
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
DID YOU PICK UP A TRAINING SECRET this year? From a book or podcast or YouTube? Accidentally overhear the local coach...
... whispering truth to an athlete?
I bet you did.
But, that's not the real question.
The real question is did you, yes you, or I, yes me...
... do anything about it?
Because what is the point to...
- look
- listen
- and learn
... if we're not going to at the very least give it a whirl?
After trying and testing...
- the Classified 2-speed hub
- even more calories when racing
- mountain bike tires on the gravel bike
... these are my top 3 secrets of the year.
What are yours?
164 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (11pm-7am)
PullUps PushUps DeadLifts
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
--- one of my favorites of the year ---
TODAY, I THINK I MIGHT HAVE TURNED THE CORNER. I'm mid-way through my experiment to train like Remco...
... 3 weeks of (for me) massive volume.
Last Saturday, end of week #1, I was pretty tired during the final miles of a 5 hour ride.
Exhaustion lasted through Sunday.
Monday the legs were oooof.
But, Tuesday, I felt pretty darn good...
... at the end of a hilly and peppy 60 miles.
With a cramped day, the only way I could stay on schedule Wednesday was to do two-a-days.
- Sunrise, 90 minutes of steepish climbs at moderate pace.
- PullUps, PushUps and Squats through the day.
- Evening, 2 hours of high Zone 2 rolling terrain.
... it was that second session on the bike where things were clicking.
I felt stong.
Even fresh.
3 days down,
9 hours saddle time.
Should be able to hit 18-20 hours by end of day Saturday.
It's a lot to juggle...
- solid days of work
- helping the kids with their kids
- and being present for Surfergirl
... wouldn't do this forever.
Fun to experiment.
Feeling might dawgawn fortunate.
162.4 lbs
15 hrs sleep (i really do have the flu)
No Strength
00 minutes recovery
180 minutes reading + Journaling
HAVING COLD OR FLU SYMPTOMS is always a tough one for me and begs the question should I exercise today? If I do, I might get worse or...
... I might speed up the process of getting better.
My general rules...
- above the neck, ride like heck.
- in the chest, better rest
... but, they didn't help me today.
Because I was just so determined that the fact I work up sweating was due to the heater was too high, and I wanted oh so badly to ride with the fellas...
... I headed out.
Instead of feeling a lot better post ride,
I cut the ride short.
The collapsed on the couch,
after paying my dues kneeling in the bathroom.
I guess I'll add to the rules above...
... running a fever, don't be an overachiever.
164.5 lbs
7Ish hrs sleep (10:30 pm-5:45am)
No Strength
00 minutes recovery
20 minutes reading + Journaling
FUN FACTOID, weight machines at the gym were developed by body builders for body building. Each machine can dial in a certain muscle to make it bigger...
... we are not body builders.
We do not want muscles that don't serve a purpose...
... might was well be a stack of tires around our gut.
You know what else we don't want..
... injuries.
I know what you're thinking.
What the heck does the Ol' Diesel know about strength?
Well, quite a bit...
- testing
- reading
- experience
... has proven to me what works.
Here's the dill...
- low reps (1-3)
- max weight (90-100% of max)
- almost every day of the week (4-5 days)
- lots of rest between sets (complete recovery)
- multiple joint movements (squats are 3 joints)
... on getting strong with minimal to no weight gain.
Take it easy.
Get a pro to help you with form, because you can do this...
... with minimal equipment from home.
Disclaimer - any and all advice is just stuff I've tried and worked for me and is not professional or medical.
162.7 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (9:45 pm-6am)
PullUps PushUps
10 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling
WHY DO SOME PEOPLE ACT LIKE there is a gigantic barrier between courage and discretion. There's not. It's a fine line. If we are to improve by any measurable amount...
... we must balance precariously and charge forth.
This is truth.
Failure is going to happen when...
- going for an impossible PR
- experimenting with new training
- carving the curves so hard we start to slide
... if we are going to improve.
Because failure gives us that needed feedback to...
... learn what we need to learn to improve.
Now don't go doing some idiotic Evilknevil stunt.
But, push.
Push a lot.
Every failure teaches us,
we adjust,
So push.
Push through...
- fear
- pain
- limits
... and reach our next impossible.
As the great Tom Watson, founder of IBM at the time the premier computing company on the planet, preached to his engineers...
... Fail faster.
We have 5 days to ride the New Year's Resolution madness, and all year to make it happen.
162.9 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (9:45 pm-6am)
PullUps PushUps only
5 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling
ON MY WAY HOME from the local ride of destruction, I was thinking about the amount of watts the fellows were putting out and how destroyed I felt...
... how could I quantify that?
I know my numbers,
I don't know theirs.
I know how I felt,
I don't know how they felt.
Back in the day...
... I'd visualize my head on my favorite pro's body.
Crushing all comers...
- What would be be like to put out Pojacar power and escape tens of miles from the finish?
- How about a Cav-like explosion sprinting for the line?
- Or, the surge and surf stomping of the bunch by the great Sagan?
... like a boss.
Playing that game of imaging what would Pogi or Cav or Peto do is...
... a great way to take on the unconquerable challenge,
and kinda sorta maybe put out some inspired watts of our own.
162.9 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (9:45 pm-6am)
PullUps PushUps Squats
0 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
RIDING ALONE IN THE FOREST can be dangerous. The low hanging branches, hidden roots and rocks, and...
... the occasional wild animal.
Not the bunnies,
or deer.
No danger there.
I'm talkin'...
- bear
- moose
- cougars
... the big, mean and hungry ones.
So, we blissfully mount bells on are bikes.
Which reminds me of the great Ray Bradbury's book, Something Wicked Comes This Way.
One of the characters, Mr. Dark, is confronted with the carol I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day.
My favorite verse:
God is not dead nor doth He sleep;
The Wrong shall fail,
The Right prevail,
With peace on earth, good-will to men.
Ain't nothing like a peaceful ride through the forest.
162.7 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (9:45 pm-5:45am)
PullUps PushUps
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
WELL, I'M TUCKERED. The machines are tuckered. The many hands that make the magic happen are worn and achy. We're shuttin' 'er down for a couple of days...
... even elves gotta have an off season.
But, here's the dill.
The things we really want...
- speed
- power
- time
... we can't purchase.
The things we can purchase...
- equipment
- apparel
- trips
... we'd be embarrassed to task to a loved one.
We gotta be our own elves.
So, pretend your tapped on the cash...
... how are you going to get more speed, power, time?
Imagine it's spring time,
you're toeing the line...
- fit
- taught
- relaxed
... what's it gonna take?
Write it down,
wrap it up.
Give yourself a real gift.
Better yet,
give it to a friend or family member.
162.7 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (9:45 pm-5:45am)
PullUps PushUps
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
THE POWER OF A CHECK LIST is awesome. Not ticking the boxes, for that quick hit of dopamine, there is something even better than...
... getting it done.
Which is the point.
For me, the real power is in the creation of a list.
Exploring and considering...
- each and every angle
- what is needed
- what is fluff
... and building an empowering list.
It's harder than it looks.
But, done correctly...
... discipline is replaced with love and urgency.
Checking the box is dessert...
... one we can enjoy each and every day.
That pic is literally a page from the RaceDay Ready Journal.
163.1 lbs
9ish hrs sleep (9:45 pm-7:20am)
PullUps PushUps Squats
10 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling
ROLLED OUT WITH A DEVILISH PLAN for myself. After 3 months of goofin' around, it was time to warm up the glow plugs on the Ol' Diesel. Nothing like...
... tickling zone 5 with the ticker.
Here's how weak I am.
Never in a millionkazillion years could I will myself push over 175 bpm...
- not for fun
- not for a coach
- not doing intervals
... I need to set up something stupid.
Like mashing the mammoth 50mm MTB tires,
with 20 lbs of pressure,
on the gravel bike...
... out to the local throwdown.
It was 25 minutes of pure, paved ecstasy.
Sandwiched in between 90 minutes of dirt, before and after.
Not much.
But, a start.
Time to begin upping the saddle time,
and sprinkling in a dash of intensity.
No need to hurry,
just stay consistent.
Keep doing the strength stuff.
If you build it...
... the watts will come.
163.9 lbs
7ish hrs sleep (10:30pm-5:30am)
PullUps PushUps
10 minutes recovery
30 minutes reading + Journaling
A FRIEND WAS GOING ON AN ON about how his brother had totally failed. The brother had committed to take his lifestyle to the next level. It wasn't going to be enough to get by...
... he wanted to live at the highest levels possible.
Did he make it?
You be the judge.
From where I was sitting, the brother truly had committed.
The results were easy to see...
- health firing
- family thriving
- business providing
- relationship with God and man aligned
... what more is there?
The friend could only see the missteps and shortcomings of his brother.
I think the point of putting ourselves out there, is to...
- be an example
- be held accountable
- show how we deal with failure
... and hopefully inspire others along the way.
Haters think it is an I'm better than you thing instead of the more simple...
... I'm doing my best, and appreciate your encouragement.
Truth is, commitment...
... is our beast of burden.
Every day builds on the next...
... this hat is a good reminder.
Ships FREE, order by 12.24
163.9 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (10:30pm-6:30am)
PullUps PushUps Squats n Such
10 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling

SPRING IS COMING, if you're a farmer, you're thinking about all the work to be done prepping fields, then planting seeds. Soon, it'll be time to...
... mothball the trainers.
We're planting seeds now,
in winter.
And, it's definitely a volume thing.
The more we plant,
the bigger the harvest.
But, here's the dill,
the kinds of seeds we plant matters.
Base miles.
Strength training.
Eating like an Olympian.
Gorging on junk food,
skipping the gym,
tiny miles.
What we plant matters,
it's going to grow.
How much...
... are we going to reap?
8 hrs sleep
No strength training.
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
74 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy

36 HOURS TILL THE RACE STARTS. I'm packing up the van with clothes, blankets and snacks and stuff. That's easy...
... it's the tire choice i'm freakin' on.
I've been running Conti RaceKings on my gravel bike for months,
same tires I race on my MTB.
They're cushy,
fast over rough terrain,
extra trustworthy when it comes to flats.
Perfect for Rock Cobbler's technical sections,
and the miles of horse hoof scarred dirt roads.
But, they are super slow on the paved sections.
I looked at the route on Map My Ride.
Near as I can tell, about half the course is paved.
So I mounted up my fave TerraSpeed 45 tires for a shake down ride today.
... they're waaaaaaaaay faster on paved, and smooth gravel.
Forgot about that.
It could be muddy,
and the TerraSpeeds have much better clearance.
Time spent in each type of terrain...
- Paved and smooth TerraSpeeds get the vote
- Rough n rocky it's RaceKing all the way
- Climbing it's about equal
... is what's gonna matter.
We'll probably spend more time on dirt.
Dirts my natural habitat,
opting to give up a little there,
for the efficiency and speed on the smooth...
... TerraSpeeds for the win.
Which is kinda funny,
I'm not in racing shape,
planning to use it as a big training ride...
... what everybody says until the gun goes off.
This is a super rad event. If you're going, look for the PEDALindustries tent.
8 hrs sleep
Pullups, pushups, no dead lifts
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
76 (fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy

WE ALL KNOW COMPARING OURSELVES TO OTHERS is losing game. Yet, we do it. We're addicted to it, and...
... it's plain evil.
Look, every now and again, I get bored,
sitting upon my porcelain thrown.
This morning, I'm poking around the TP app geeking out on data and I see this insidious link...
... See how I stack up.
What good can come of that...
- I see good numbers and my head swells necessitating a new Kask Helmet?
- I see bad numbers and my soul shrivels
- I see I'm average
... the horror.
I resisted clicking on the link for at least a nanosecond,
maybe two.
And there it was...
... how little ol' me rates in the world.
Per the data, I stacked up a lot better in 2023 than today in 2025...
... not surprising, 2024 was a health dumpster.
It was barely motivating,
maybe I could get my numbers back.
As the great Desiderata reminds us...
... If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
8.5 hrs sleep
Pullups, pushups, dead lifts
10 minutes recovery
30 minutes reading + Journaling
76 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy

CAN'T REMEMBER THE LAST TIME I PURCHASED A TUBE, not sure I could find one in the garage if I wanted to...
... tubes are dead to me.
Sure, there's the super rare and impossible to plug tire failure.
I think my last one was 3 years ago,
maybe longer.
Buddy had a tube,
yeah, I was that guy.
I think I carried one at Leadville 3 years ago,
but I'm not sure.
Think about it...
- rarely flat
- faster rollling
- little nicks self-seal
... that's a sample how good tubeless is.
But, here's the dill, we have to...
... add sealant before we puncture.
Life's weird that way.
8.5 hrs sleep
Pullups, pushups, dead lifts
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
74 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy

I REMEMBER THE FIRST REALLY GOOD CRASH on the road. I'd bombed down the steep asphalt with no chance of making the turn...
... I thought I'd burned a hole right through the knee cap.
Palms were bleeding.
I was five.
Blasting a 12 hour MTB race, I wanted to turn in the hot lap at night.
The front end washed out and I hit hard.
Tore up the bibs,
a bleeding cherry the size of my palm on my hip.
Hustling up a steep rocky section, my cleat pulled out of my pedal,
then spun around like an ice cream scooper,
taking a chunk of my shin.
Two of us were vying for the cleanest line over a rocky drop off.
I lost,
urgent care revealed my cracked ribs.
Pre-running a Super-D course I misjudged the angle of a drop,
and augured in on my collar bone.
Broke off one inch of the end.
Everyone of these injuries left a...
- mark
- lesson
- memory
... proof I was pushing the boundaries of my capabilities.
From there it was...
... improve or back down.
That's the choice.
8.5 hrs sleep
Pullups, pushups, dead lifts
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
74 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy

READER RICK ASKED HOW I CALM MY NERVES on raceday. I gave it no thought, just riffed on what I do...
... during those final moments before the gun goes off.
I shared it with Surfergirl,
she had a very different take.
My riff was about gratitude...
- for being on the line
- having the luxury to race
- the health and stamina necessary
... all while my eyes are closed.
A private moment of silence.
The importance of knowing I'd done all I could do.
It is time to go for it, and let the chips fall where they may.
Winning is nice,
knowing I'd left it all on the course is better.
She looked at me and said..
... I thought you just like to get pissed off?!
Oh, that, too.
TBH, the angst is often...
- training alone
- warming up for the race
- maybe a dis that got back to me
.... she's right, there's always something to fire me up.
Then, the aforementioned calm before the flag drops.
8 hrs sleep
No strength work
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
74 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy

IT SHOULDN'T BE LIKE THIS, but it is. It's hard to explain the joy, but I'll try. Because, I got home today...
... with the biggest goofy grin.
Check it out...
- I went from a nice paved warm up
- To a legit dirt road climb
- Poached single tracks
- Jumped in the group
... all on the same darn bike.
Imagine that.
The hardest part was steamrolling with the group.
According to Dylan Johonson's latest sciency research, those MTB tires were costing me an extra 50 watts at speed.
The thrills...
- seeing those power numbers
- hearing my lungs wail
- feeling the burn
... when we're healthy, there's nothing better.
The gravel portions are an escape from the roads and cars and suburbia.
A great way to break up the paved sectors.
The single track, well...
- is technically challenging
- requires picking good lines
- brings the playfulness into the ride
... it's like old school mountain biking.
The Crux with brake hoods,
handles a lot like the Rock Hopper with bar ends.
It ain't a crime,
but it sure feels like I'm getting away with something.
These T's...
- 8 different color options
- superduper soft cotton
- includes the sticker
ship FREE
... if you order by 2.3.25
7 hrs sleep
PullUps, PushUps, Split Squats
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
76 (fitness per training peaks - big bump today, still 20% down from pre-pneumonia)
30 min vision therapy

WE SHOT THIS VIDEO 8 YEARS AGO, it's made it's way around the interwebs about 10,000,000 times. Our peaceful group of kinda-law-abiding citizens...
... getting the full riot act from the local motorbike cop.
It's classic.
He's blocks traffic...
- dismounts
- dropping F bombs
- ready to throw all 50 of us in the slammer
... very wound up.
After about 10 minutes of insults and threats, he suddenly gives up and rides on.
So do we.
Did we really blow the stop sign?
Uh, maybe.
Have we ever let a distracted driver know our true feelings?
Was a good experience for anybody?
Not really.
Could we do better?
You can see it on our Instagram channel - https://www.instagram.com/pedalindustries/
Have a monstrous laugh, and remember...
... Bike riding isn't a crime.
These T's...
- 8 different color options
- superduper soft cotton
- includes the sticker
ships FREE
... if you order by 2.3.25
7 hrs sleep
PullUps, PushUps, Split Squats
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
70 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy

THERE'S A REASON most of keep our commitment to fitness on the downlow. We know people would be absolutely startled. Which is weird, 'cause...
... no one bats an eye at our dedication to our careers.
Would they be amazed at our...
- ho-hum 100-mile ride, 20-mile run
- 5000' climb up a mountain
- resting HR in the 40s
... if they knew how hard we work at it?
Probably not.
Put in the work,
whatever it is...
... reap the rewards.
8 hrs sleep
PullUps, PushUps, Split Squats
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
72 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy

WHAT IF WE KNEW ABSOLUTELY FOR CERTAIN that all our present efforts would 100% lead us to the promised land. If we could know...
... the training was guaranteed to pay off.
A day like today,
gives hope to the Grandmasterflashy plan.
And, I have one.
Because as Richard reminded me on the vicious ride today...
... The last 12 months your health has been a dumpster fire
Thanks, man.
The problem we face with long range plans is it feels like we're going nowhere because...
... real, lasting progress can be slow.
It looks and feels like nothing is happening.
That's where the data can be so important.
This morning, I felt good for the first time in months.
The numbers weren't outstanding in the overall scheme...
... but, improvement was recorded.
As the old saying goes...
... what gets measured, gets managed.
Measure what matters,
manage for long-term excellence.
7.5 hrs sleep
PullUps, PushUps, Split Squats
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
72 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy

FOOD IS SO PLENTIFUL, marketed so well, with fabulous supply chains serving our needs seemingly on demand, and many many many of our fellow citizens are making up...
... a rather fleshy republic.
What to do...
- real food
- trusted preparation
- ingredients we can identify
... is how to eat.
Not starving.
Not gorging.
And, sure as heck...
... not bonking.
It ain't complicated.
Until we get down to the business of performance and hard training.
Currently, I'm all in on...
- 100 grams of carbs/hour
- proper hydration
- recovery meal
... when I'm getting after it.
If we simply commit to one thing, we are winning...
(Note: I'm well aware of the individual and real challenges suffered by our friends and family. One of mine had an issue with the stomach that caused all kinds of bloating and weight gain and after meeting with a functional health doctor, going on a special diet, taking meds, got it sorted it. Took months, totally worth it.)
8 hrs sleep
PullUps, PushUps, Split Squats
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
71 (fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy

THERE'S ONLY ONE WAY TO GET REALLY GOOD at this thing we call endurance, and it ain't learning how to suffer or any other...
... method of torture.
It's real simple.
If we wanna be great,
we gotta be consistent.
But, here's what I mean by that.
Sure, we can train a bunch this week and not so much the next.
In fact, it usually starts with I'm gonna skip tomorrow...
... it's not convenient.
A consistent person, bent on seeing how good they can be would more likely say...
... I'm super busy tomorrow, gonna get up early and get it done, even if it's just 15 minutes.
We can always adjust the allotted time.
7.25 hrs sleep
PullUps, PushUps, Split Squats
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling
70 (fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy

PUSH THE LIMITS ENOUGH and we'll find out just where they lie. In the exhilarating process, it's likely we'll...
... earn a few permanent tattoos.
- broken bones
- nasty gashes
- flesh wounds
... mostly leaving marks and memories.
The rehab can challenge our pain threshold,
as well as our patience.
We want to get back at it.
The progress is slow.
In these moments...
... I have a go to song.
Rocky Raccoon, with it's hero's invincible belief...
... No Doc, it's only a scratch and I'll be better as soon as I am able.
Shift gonna happen,
so the heck is our response!
This Lucky offer ends Jan 27th.
The 4-clover leaf kind.
$100 gets you a $120 PRO jersey and matching $20 sublimated socks.
8.25 hrs sleep
No Strength Work
10 minutes recovery
30 minutes reading + Journaling
70 (fitness per training peaks)
30 min vision therapy

iF YOU WEIGH YOURSELF FULLY DRESSED, after gorging on a heavy meal hoping you've put on a few, you might, and I mean might, get away with unobtanium gear...
... that's a really big if.
Most of us aren't so willowy,
and most of us like get on the gas any time we can.
We happened across a guy who I know is an absolute ripper off road.
I also know his rig always makes mine feel like a lead balloon.
Wheel literally exploded while charging a rock garden,
one we've all done a million times.
(No, I'm not gonna tell ya who... that's not the point.)
First coherent words out of my pal's mouth...
... I'm done with those cheap wheels from China.
This is not a
Told you so post.
More like a
Coulda happened to any of us.
We need to invest in gear that's gonna last and neverever let us down.
It might,
but, probably not if properly maintained.
Do I spend a few extra bucks on brands i trust?
Even when we do all we can, we do need luck to be on our side.
Speaking of luck...
... you're in luck.
The 4-clover leaf kind.
$100 gets you a $120 PRO jersey and matching $20 sublimated socks.
8.25 hrs sleep
Pullups, Pushups, Split Squats
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
68 (fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy

AS SOON AS I SAW A HEART RATE MONITOR, I knew I had to have one. The idea that I could tell how hard my body was working was...
... too compelling to ignore.
It's the best metric.
Don't get me wrong,
I'm a power dork, too.
But, I believe hr is superior in many ways.
For example, gearing up to go for a ride today I looked at the monitor and saw an hr indicative of...
... a healthy body.
58 bpm.
That's my normal before getting going.
I hadn't seen that for nearly 3 weeks.
Having the flu and then pneumonia will do that to us, and keep doing it...
... until we are recovered.
Power alone would never tell me that, but...
... X power with Y heart rate is a good indicator of what's going on inside our wonderful bodies.
I don't race with power.
It's irrelevant.
I'm either making the break or not.
The only time I watched power in a race was at Leadville since racing at over 10,000', when I live at sea level will never allow to put out the power I'm used to at a given heart rate.
Because heart rate lags, checking to make sure I wasn't going over the appropriate power at the start of a climb is helpful.
Mostly, for racing, I keep HR and Cadence on the screen.
Sometimes distance,
it's nice to know where we are relation to the finish line.
Short MTB races,
I usually just toss the monitor in the jersey pocket and review the data later.
Anyway, it's flu season...
... if in doubt, check HR out.
Hopefully, you'll get lucky and skip all that...
... this Lucky Jersey might ward it off.
$100 gets you a $120 PRO jersey and matching $20 sublimated socks.
8.25 hrs sleep
Pullups, Pushups, Split Squats
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
68 (fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy

COMMITTING TO AN 'A' RACE or event or personal challenge, is like committing to a quest. It's freeing, and limiting. Suddenly, our free will is put to the test and we are faced with...
... the reality of who we are.
The quest becomes our north star.
We are free to chose how we will show up when we toe the line.
On our Accountability call last night the question came up...
... How do I lean out?
An answer was offered.
When I got off diet soda my body changed, I dropped my race weight significantly with that one simple adjustment in what I drank.
We are free to choose to commit to a quest...
... we are free to make appropriate decisions along the way.
That is the beauty of an impossibly giant aspiration...
... it guides us to make good, better choices.
Choose wisely...
... and commit.
Sometimes we all need a little luck... and if you love this design, you're in luck.
$100 gets you a $120 PRO jersey and matching $20 sublimated socks.
8.5 hrs sleep
1 Rip On RaceDay rotation
0 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
68 (fitness per training peaks)

WHEN AN ATHLETE GOES FOR a ride, run, swim, they're in the zone. Some have music or a podcast going. Me personally...
... unplugged, it's meditation time.
We know it's going to eventually end.
It's okay.
We enjoy the endorphin high,
totally immersed the the present...
... fully aware there are many more rides, runs and swims to come.
Probably tomorrow.
9 hrs sleep
2 Rip On RaceDay rotation
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
69 (fitness per training peaks)

Working on my next book... let me know what you think.
Normally, this would come at the end of a book or sales pitch. The ol’ One more thing thing.
But, we don’t know if you’re going to finish. We don’t know if you are weak, if you’re the kind of person that talks and doesn’t do, if you’re easily distracted, if you’re a wishy-washy whimster.
What you are going to be required to do will take less time than you think, require you to give up some wasteful vices, and change your life.
However, because it is simple and at times doesn’t seem relative you will be tempted to discount and skip certain steps. Do so and you will get a cheapened version of yourself. You will be RaceDay Mostly-Ready, RaceDay Kinda-Ready.
I don’t want that for you.
Do you?
What I do want from you is a 10-Week Commitment to make lasting changes in how you function and have you be RaceDay Ready every day for the rest of your life.
In summary, here’s the plan:
· Pick an A race
· Commit to complete the 10-Week RaceDay Ready Challenge
· Remain RaceDay Ready forever
9 hrs sleep
2 Rip On RaceDay rotation
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
69 (fitness per training peaks)

IT'S PRETTY COOL TO PLOT OUT THE YEAR, plan the different phases. Plug in all the numbers, miles, data points into a spreadsheet...
... and see how amazing we'll be come summer.
I call that .xl fast.
Being fast as heck on a spreadsheet...
... is intoxicating.
But, there's a problem...
- it's fake
- it's just paper
- it's doesn't prepare
... the variables of competition.
We must face competitors who are...
- prepared
- devious
- sneaky
... there is no way to program reality.
If we're going to excel,
we've got to race.
8.5 hrs sleep
1 Rip On RaceDay rotation
0 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling

NOTHING MAKES A SPOUSE GIDIER THAN THE WORD REMODEL. I'm not sure it even matters what is being upgraded, I just know...
... work, investment and upgrade are magic words.
There's a...
- start date,
- an end date
- and blueprints
... then the work begins.
A complete remodel means stripping everything down the to studs.
I think I'm there...
- pneumonia
- double vision
- associated weight loss
... it could be worse, but, the studs do seem exposed.
It's time to rebuild.
Start date is now.
Pneumonia will hopefully clear in a week or so.
Vision therapy starts this week.
Any remaining vision complications from October's brain surgery should clear no later than April.
The blueprint, my calendar, is looking like this.
I think I can be somewhat ready for action when Sea Otter rolls around in April.
Seems like a worthy goal to be ready,
and a super stretch goal to get a coin for Unbound.
The next step, would be to roll into the last 3 BWR races - CA, UT and MT,
the super stretch goal would be to get on the series podium.
How do I plan to get that done...
... follow my RaceDay Ready program.
So, what's the end date...
... the big reveal?
First, Gravel Nats,
with the super stretch goal of winning.
(major imposter syndrome kicking in that)
Second, break my PR on SurfNSummit,
with the super stretch goal of breaking 10 hours.
(this I REALLY want to accomplish)
DETAILS HERE: https://pedalindustries.com/products/surf-n-summit-california-may-2025?_kx=
123.23 miles
15,177 feet
Time to get to work.
9 hrs sleep
0 strength work
0 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling

THERE'S JUST SOMETHING ABOUT THE WIND ripping through the helmet, pushing ears flat, creeping past our fancy glasses that is indescribable...
... impossible for most people to understand.
We're dogs.
Dogs with their...
- head out a speeding car window
- tongue flapping in the wind
- goofy smiles
... that's the answer to the question.
Why do you ride?
No need to explain...
- the challenges
- camaraderie
- adventure
... the priceless benefits.
8.5 hrs sleep
3 pullups 9 pushup
0 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling

THERE IS SO MUCH TO FIGURE OUT on the first race. Sure we know how ride, run and swim, that ain't nearly enough. No matter how much we study up, have a friend help us, we are...
... quite sure there is a code.
And, we don't know it!
Even if we did.
From start to finish...
... it feels like a big-time bank heist.
We are...
- rushing
- sweating
- on the verge of panicking
... trying to remember everything we were supposed to have memorized.
In all likelihood we'll be...
- taken away
- exposed
- busted
... and that is what makes it so dern fun!
The self-imposed pressure is tremendous.
We freakin' love it.
Live for it.
We commit to crack the code...
... till we get away scot-free.
8 hrs sleep
1 pullup 1 pushup
0 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling

SO, A MAN WALKS INTO A BAR... I mean, what I've gone through the last month is...
... the kinda thing you can only laugh about.
I'm sharing it with you because...
- I love you
- Want you to avoid this
- Believe you would come through fine
... for the simple reason we're in pretty damn fine shape.
Just over a month ago, my vision went double from one moment to the next. Not a great thing...
... when ripping a steep and rutted single track.
It got progressively worse.
Called the neurosurgeon.
Got on a steroid.
They warned me my immune system would be compromised.
Apparently, it's a common side-effect of the gamma surgery I had in October.
Vision got better.
Steroid treatment ended.
Next day double vision starts back.
The following Saturday, it was so bad Singing Andy forced me to ride straight to his home, so he could drive me.
Drive of shame, I tell ya!
Go home.
Sunday, it's so bad kids and wife are bugging the crud outta me to go to ER, since surgeon's office closed for holiday.
We go.
8 hours later, we got a new MRI and new steroid prescription...
... and a positive test for influenza.
I rest.
But, you know for dang sure, Ima gonna do the NYD ride.
Felt good on ride.
Came home, collapsed.
Vision kept improving.
I kept riding.
Started feeling progressively worse Monday.
I'd ride easy.
Come home completely annihilated.
Finally on Friday, I cave.
I gotta rest.
Horrible, sick weekend.
Little improvement.
Yesterday, met with nuero and confirmed double vision caused by tumor. Tumor not growing, likely dying.
Damn fine news.
Today met with visual therapist and explained eyes have been jacked since TBI year ago.
She was impressed with what I could do, and quite confident we can improve and possible restore my vision.
More good news.
This afternoon, I decided it was time to get this cough figured out.
Freakin' pneumonia!
But, actually, good news.
I'm really glad I quite riding last week.
Wish I'd quit a few days earlier.
- should have been more on top of the vision therapy a year ago
- should have quarantined myself and skipped family parties
- should have started resting way way way sooner
... this will be fun to come back from.
Bring it on 2025!
80 hrs sleep
no strength work
0 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling

I LIKE DOING EPIC RIDES AND RACES. Bunch of miles, lots of time, long periods between reloading nutrition and hydration, throw in some dirt or crazy climb...
... and voila, me happy.
It wasn't always that way, it took...
... a special kind of training.
Where you wrap your head around the idea of going longer than you ever thought possible.
My first real bike ride was 6 miles.
The next day, I got crazy and went 12 miles.
Six weeks later, my roommate and I rode 125 miles and about 10,000' of climbing.
It was so hard.
Our nutrition strategy consisted of water and whatever we could find at the country store...
... mainly Snickers and popsicles.
- bonked
- cramped
- sunburned
... and decades later, were still charging.
Over time, I cracked the code to doing epic rides mainly by...
... doing a lot of epic rides.
Ludicrously long,
turned into that sounds fun.
The mysteries were solved...
- rest
- pacing
- nutrition
- hydration
... and my brain, which controls my body, adjusted to the demands of the effort vs. freakin' out.
Sure, we gotta do the miles to do the miles, but...
... don't discount the mental gains being made.
Braindurance is real.
10 hrs sleep
no strength work
0 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling

MILES JUST AREN'T THE SAME as in a car. Whether we are running or riding, they are almost...
... always impossibly enjoyable.
We plie 'em up to embarrassing amounts.
Who far'd you ride?
I dunno, 4 or 5 hours.
Yeah, but how far?
Hmmm, 60, 80, maybe a hundred.
I don't know about you, but all I ever get after that type of exchange is the...
... you're f'ing crazy, dude.
Therefore, I propose a code.
Since 70 miles, feels like driving 10 trapped in the confines of a car...
... let's divide by 7.
Kinda like multiplying by 7 to calculate a dog's age.
How far'd you ride?
Oh, about 10 miles.
Wow, that's great.
10.5 hrs sleep (still so sick)
No strength work
0 minutes recovery
180 minutes reading + Journaling

IT IS ESSENTIAL to be intentional with our training for a particular race. It can mean all the difference in the world to how we perform...
... specificity is king.
It took me a long time to crack the code to epic distance racing.
More than one person, this year, heck this week!, has asked me how to go fast at Leadville.
I've told every single one of them, some for months...
... You've got to develop the capacity to ride Tempo for long periods of time.
There's more to it.
Developing the discipline to stay out of Threshold and VO2 max...
... is critical to success.
Funny thing is,
nobody, apparently, wants to hear this.
How do I know?
Because I keep getting the same calls from the same people asking me what to do.
In 2012, I did an 8:32.
Here's the chart of my HR.
In 2019, I PR'd at 8:15
In 2022, I PR'd again at 7:57
Does anything stand out there to you?
Look at the time spent at Threshold with each effort.
Would this work for a...
- track racer
- crit racer
- XC racer
- road racer
... not for max performance.
Why it works is a story for another day.
11 hrs sleep
No strength work
0 minutes recovery
180 minutes reading + Journaling

IN WORLD WHERE EVERYONE HAS their own truth, it's hard to tell what is really the truth. And, it matters. Truth...
... makes everything clear and easy.
So, let me be as clear as I can be.
These are the 5 laws,
commandments if you will.
- REST. Get plenty of rest. Sleep a lot. Doing less and resting may not make sense to a beginner, but we get it. Right? Sleep is critical.
- GOOD FOOD. Keep it simple. Don't eat sugar or drink alcohol or do drugs. Do eat whole foods, meals where we can identify the ingredients. For example, a steak salad vs a protein bar.
- GO HARD SPARINGLY. We need to have the brutally hard efforts, once or twice a week. That's it. Not every day.
- GO EASY ABUNDANTLY. The rest of our endurance training should be easy and fun and rejuvenating.
- LIFT WEIGHTS. Resistance exercise, heavy weight and low reps, builds power and makes bones strong. I like large muscle groups, primarily pull ups, pushups, and squats.
That's it.
Okay, that's not it.
But, that is the truth and when we get that right...
... we're 95% there.
There, being extremely fit and healthy.
Notice, doing that is practically free...
... just takes some dedication.
12 hrs sleep
No strength work
0 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling

WHEN IT COMES TO GETTING FASTER, it's easy to go down the free speed rabbit hole. So many variables, so hard to prove valid...
... we can be such suckers for marketing.
Then, there's the flippin' placebo effect.
... what's a credit card wheelin', lycra-clad, speed junkie to do?
There are sites like Zero Friction,
YouTubers like Dylan Johnson,
the local speed freak.
Plus, e-zines and sites gettin' us (am I the only one?) all hyped up to buy some free speed.
Which brings up the truth.
It ain't free.
In many cases, think...
... arm and a leg pricing.
If I had to rank 'em, assuming the frame is appropriate...
- Wheels, Bearings & Tires
- Drivetrain - BB, chain, wax
- Helmet
- Apparel
- Shoes
... on the equipment side.
Nutrition is essential, and there are some neat on the bike eating and fueling secrets and products to be had.
Don't forget or neglect recovery: sleep, massage, nutrition, etc.
The good stuff can be startlingly better.
Do thy research...
... and spend wisely (cash only, no cc's).
12 hrs sleep (still fighting this bug)
0 strength work
0 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling

TWO OF THE LAST THREE YEARS, have started with solid setbacks. In each case, I thought all was lost. Then I remembered the...
... advice of my dear ol' grampappy.
My boy...
... it's not the problem it's how you handle it.
Hard words for a love struck 14 yr old, getting nowhere with his puppy love.
The key to that wisdom it not so much handling the problem as...
... having faith and getting started.
Not running away.
Not giving up.
As I sit here completely wiped out by some sort of bug, coughing my brains out, I've come the realization...
- I will get better
- I will enjoy this slothful moment
- I will resist to bounce back too early
... it's early January f' cryin' outloud.
Take this setback for what it is...
... an opportunity to reset.
That's what racers do.
158.3 lbs (not a good way lo lose wight.)
10ish hrs sleep (9:15pm-7:30am)
0 round of PullUps PushUps DeadLifts
0 minutes recovery
30 minutes reading + Journaling

THE REASON I LIKE TO READ FICTION is simply to imagine myself in impossible situations. The inner dialogue of the hero of my current book, Jericho Quinn, was spot on...
... to how I feel about racing.
Can you relate to this?
"He knew he was born for the rough stuff. His heart never truly beat until it was going full bore."
Exactly how I every time the gun goes.
It can get me in trouble though.
Like right now, with this nagging, awful cough and headache.
It's been going all week.
Have I rested?
Just been doing all I can to keep going...
... totally idiotic.
158.1 lbs (not a good way lo lose wight.)
9ish hrs sleep (9:15pm-6:30am)
1 round of PullUps PushUps DeadLifts
0 minutes recovery
30 minutes reading + Journaling

GOALS CAN BE GREAT. I say "can" because, let's be honest they usually aren't. I have a theory about that and it starts with...
.... easy.
It is so easy to set a goal.
... set 100 goals.
And, that's the problem.
We set 'em like there's...
- the no other goals
- no current commitments
- we have limitless bandwidth
... no impact on our lives.
Having a million goals...
... is like having no goals.
I try and keep it to...
- physical
- business
- social
- spiritual
... one big goal per year.
It's a heckuvalot easier to accomplish one thing than twenty.
And guess what...
... if it's a big enough goal, it might take 5,10, 20 years.
159.2 lbs (yes, this bug I have has evaporated my appetite)
9ish hrs sleep (9:30pm-6:15am)
1 round of PullUps PushUps DeadLifts
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling

I THINK WE ALL HAVE A SENSE of cycling style. You know, what we think looks cool, and what we don't. At least, you should by now...
... unless you are brandspankingnew.
New kids are typically nervous and anxious...
- am I wearing the proper gear, 'cause I feel nearly naked
- do I look like Darth Vader with this helmet and glasses
- how tall should my socks be
... form and function questions.
Once acquainted with the options...
- looking cool
- being comfortable
- optimizing for speed
... start to take precedent.
Here's my general rules...
- gloves match shoes
- socks match jersey
- dark bibs
... all things being equal.
Which leaves the helmet, or helmets.
And this insane offer...
... buy a KASK helmet, get a FREE RaceDay Bag.
160.2 lbs
9ish hrs sleep (9:45pm-6:55am)
2 round of PullUps PushUps DeadLifts
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling

HOW ABOUT THIS - a snack that needs no refrigeration, is a snap to prepare, gives an energy boost, and produces negative calories. How many
... would you consume per day?
Yes, there really is such a snack.
Proven by science...
- pull ups
- pushups
- deadlifts
- box jumps
are my go to's.
Personally, I like to enjoy one every 45-60 minutes...
- energy boost
- calorie burning
- improved cognitive function
... are legit benefits in less than 2 minutes.
I was reminded of this on Andrew Huberman's podcast...
... he's an actual scientist,
I'm just a dude who figures stuff out.
Note: not all scientists know what the heck they are talking about...
- study
- test it
- reject or incorporate
... it's called science for a reason - being 100% certain for all time ain't it.
160.5 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (9:45pm-555am)
1 round of PullUps PushUps DeadLifts
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling

THE LEGENDARY ATHLETE was returning to competition. It was to be a momentous year, documented professionally, all the world would know...
... he was back to bring them to heel.
What a dream.
After hiring a new..
- coach
- nutritionist
- top secret strength doctor
... there was one beautiful medal to show for all the effort.
Not bronze,
silver, or
A beautiful finisher's medal.
Not what he, his family or sponsors had hoped for.
Here's the dill...
... every time we battle, we have a chance to learn and improve.
is where
it starts.
161.4 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (9:45pm-555am)
3 rounds of PullUps PushUps DeadLifts
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling

WELL, TODAY WAS DEFINITELY the best ride of the year. Chilly start, dust down, trails open for blasting...
... the bar has been set.
It wasn't just the conditions.
The route entailed...
- fast gravel
- twisty single track
- plus, pack dynamics
... all the things I love.
And, of course, my pals.
- Love Watts and I rolled at 7am.
- Hooked up with CV, local group road ride, at 8:50 am.
- Back to dirt, with Chuckles, Zone 2, and Mrs. Smith, around 9:30ish.
The rig of choice...
... the Crux, with RaceKing 2.0s.
What could make this ride even better?
Oh, I have an answer.
A forgotten trail was bulldozed during fire season...
- it'll add another 1000' of climbing
- sneak through penal a colony
- miles of single track
... and will pour us out at my favorite country store, for a Coke and chips.
We have 360 days to find the perfect ride...
... 2025 is off to a heckuva start.
159.8 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (10pm-555am)
1 rounds of PullUps PushUps DeadLifts BoxJumps
10 minutes recovery
30 minutes reading + Journaling

IF YOU'RE DRIVEN, and you probably are if you're a regular reader, seeing zone 1 on the training plan...
... is laughable.
We don't even know what that is.
We try to do it,
see the numbers.
Think, That's not going to help...
... awwwww, skrewit!
I have a solution.
It came to me on today's ride.
First, there was the absurdly long skid in the dirt...
- speed up
- back brake locked
- back wheel as unweighted as possible.
... just to see how long I could get it.
Then, the idea to jump onto and back off of every curb possible.
There was more.
My favorite was weaving the extensive traffic cones as long as possible without touching brakes or pedals.
90 minutes later, I coulda cared less about zone 1...
... I was in zone fun.
160.3 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (9:30pm-5:55am)
3 rounds of PullUps PushUps DeadLifts
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling

CLEARING THE TOP OF THE CLIMB, I was leaning to initiate a turn back towards home. Not sure if I hit a rock, or what, but next thing I know...
... I'm on a different trajectory.
Was it meant to be?
I mean...
- not a cloud in the sky
- nobody on the trails
- crazy warm day
... geez.
Why such a hurry to get back?
Why not go straight up the the trail to the country store...
... for an ice cream bar?
Some turns really are for the better.
160.5 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (9pm-530am)
3 rounds of PullUps PushUps DeadLifts BoxJumps
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling

HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO THE UNTHINKABLE, when it's unthinkable? Talk about a paradox. What it really means is...
... go way beyond the comfortable.
The great Wende Cragg captured the unthinkable...
- riding to a mountain top under a full-moon to watch the sunrise
- coaster brakes so hot they smoke after a downhill
- helmetlessly racing klunkers in jeans
... the birth of mountain biking.
50 years ago, her Pentax camera, snapped and preserved everything those...
... crazy pioneers were living.
The lifestyle.
Her documentary - click here - is as inspirational as it is mesmerizing.
Watch it.
It's got me thinking it might be a wholotta fun to get the hard training done M-F, and...
... use that fitness for adventure on the weekend.
162.7 lbs
7ish hrs sleep (1030pm-530am)
1 round of PullUps PushUps DeadLifts
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling

IF WE'RE GONNA BEGIN THE YEAR pretending we are committed to some outlandish new start, I figured I might as well end 2024 with...
... a ridiculous challenge.
I can look back and say If I could do that thing...
... I sure as heck can do this, too.
That's called stacking confidence.
At 6:45 this morning, I decided to do 100 pull ups today.
A first,
by a lot.
Since my normal m.o. 3x on the pushups, that'd 300.
And, I figured I might as well add 3-loaded Bulgarian split squats for every pull up, for 300 per leg.
Sounded doable at 6:45.
I'd just take a break every 30 minutes and bang out a round of the three moves.
It got hard,
the 30 minute goal drifted.
I learned...
- breaking up the day = hustle, productivity
- found my split squat limit to be 60 lb dumbell in each hand
- muscles felt awesome through 8 rotations
- posture is great
- these are better than smoke breaks
- got hungry, ate more than normal
- 30 min goes fast, aware of time waste
- required 12.5 hours to complete
... I can still do hard things.
Now, what to get done in 2025?
Happy New Year Y'all
162 lbs
7ish hrs sleep (1030pm-530am)
100 PullUps 190 PushUps 53 DeadLifts
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling

DID YOU PICK UP A TRAINING SECRET this year? From a book or podcast or YouTube? Accidentally overhear the local coach...
... whispering truth to an athlete?
I bet you did.
But, that's not the real question.
The real question is did you, yes you, or I, yes me...
... do anything about it?
Because what is the point to...
- look
- listen
- and learn
... if we're not going to at the very least give it a whirl?
After trying and testing...
- the Classified 2-speed hub
- even more calories when racing
- mountain bike tires on the gravel bike
... these are my top 3 secrets of the year.
What are yours?
164 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (11pm-7am)
PullUps PushUps DeadLifts
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling

--- one of my favorites of the year ---
TODAY, I THINK I MIGHT HAVE TURNED THE CORNER. I'm mid-way through my experiment to train like Remco...
... 3 weeks of (for me) massive volume.
Last Saturday, end of week #1, I was pretty tired during the final miles of a 5 hour ride.
Exhaustion lasted through Sunday.
Monday the legs were oooof.
But, Tuesday, I felt pretty darn good...
... at the end of a hilly and peppy 60 miles.
With a cramped day, the only way I could stay on schedule Wednesday was to do two-a-days.
- Sunrise, 90 minutes of steepish climbs at moderate pace.
- PullUps, PushUps and Squats through the day.
- Evening, 2 hours of high Zone 2 rolling terrain.
... it was that second session on the bike where things were clicking.
I felt stong.
Even fresh.
3 days down,
9 hours saddle time.
Should be able to hit 18-20 hours by end of day Saturday.
It's a lot to juggle...
- solid days of work
- helping the kids with their kids
- and being present for Surfergirl
... wouldn't do this forever.
Fun to experiment.
Feeling might dawgawn fortunate.
162.4 lbs
15 hrs sleep (i really do have the flu)
No Strength
00 minutes recovery
180 minutes reading + Journaling

HAVING COLD OR FLU SYMPTOMS is always a tough one for me and begs the question should I exercise today? If I do, I might get worse or...
... I might speed up the process of getting better.
My general rules...
- above the neck, ride like heck.
- in the chest, better rest
... but, they didn't help me today.
Because I was just so determined that the fact I work up sweating was due to the heater was too high, and I wanted oh so badly to ride with the fellas...
... I headed out.
Instead of feeling a lot better post ride,
I cut the ride short.
The collapsed on the couch,
after paying my dues kneeling in the bathroom.
I guess I'll add to the rules above...
... running a fever, don't be an overachiever.
164.5 lbs
7Ish hrs sleep (10:30 pm-5:45am)
No Strength
00 minutes recovery
20 minutes reading + Journaling

FUN FACTOID, weight machines at the gym were developed by body builders for body building. Each machine can dial in a certain muscle to make it bigger...
... we are not body builders.
We do not want muscles that don't serve a purpose...
... might was well be a stack of tires around our gut.
You know what else we don't want..
... injuries.
I know what you're thinking.
What the heck does the Ol' Diesel know about strength?
Well, quite a bit...
- testing
- reading
- experience
... has proven to me what works.
Here's the dill...
- low reps (1-3)
- max weight (90-100% of max)
- almost every day of the week (4-5 days)
- lots of rest between sets (complete recovery)
- multiple joint movements (squats are 3 joints)
... on getting strong with minimal to no weight gain.
Take it easy.
Get a pro to help you with form, because you can do this...
... with minimal equipment from home.
Disclaimer - any and all advice is just stuff I've tried and worked for me and is not professional or medical.
162.7 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (9:45 pm-6am)
PullUps PushUps
10 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling

WHY DO SOME PEOPLE ACT LIKE there is a gigantic barrier between courage and discretion. There's not. It's a fine line. If we are to improve by any measurable amount...
... we must balance precariously and charge forth.
This is truth.
Failure is going to happen when...
- going for an impossible PR
- experimenting with new training
- carving the curves so hard we start to slide
... if we are going to improve.
Because failure gives us that needed feedback to...
... learn what we need to learn to improve.
Now don't go doing some idiotic Evilknevil stunt.
But, push.
Push a lot.
Every failure teaches us,
we adjust,
So push.
Push through...
- fear
- pain
- limits
... and reach our next impossible.
As the great Tom Watson, founder of IBM at the time the premier computing company on the planet, preached to his engineers...
... Fail faster.
We have 5 days to ride the New Year's Resolution madness, and all year to make it happen.
162.9 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (9:45 pm-6am)
PullUps PushUps only
5 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling

ON MY WAY HOME from the local ride of destruction, I was thinking about the amount of watts the fellows were putting out and how destroyed I felt...
... how could I quantify that?
I know my numbers,
I don't know theirs.
I know how I felt,
I don't know how they felt.
Back in the day...
... I'd visualize my head on my favorite pro's body.
Crushing all comers...
- What would be be like to put out Pojacar power and escape tens of miles from the finish?
- How about a Cav-like explosion sprinting for the line?
- Or, the surge and surf stomping of the bunch by the great Sagan?
... like a boss.
Playing that game of imaging what would Pogi or Cav or Peto do is...
... a great way to take on the unconquerable challenge,
and kinda sorta maybe put out some inspired watts of our own.
162.9 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (9:45 pm-6am)
PullUps PushUps Squats
0 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling

RIDING ALONE IN THE FOREST can be dangerous. The low hanging branches, hidden roots and rocks, and...
... the occasional wild animal.
Not the bunnies,
or deer.
No danger there.
I'm talkin'...
- bear
- moose
- cougars
... the big, mean and hungry ones.
So, we blissfully mount bells on are bikes.
Which reminds me of the great Ray Bradbury's book, Something Wicked Comes This Way.
One of the characters, Mr. Dark, is confronted with the carol I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day.
My favorite verse:
God is not dead nor doth He sleep;
The Wrong shall fail,
The Right prevail,
With peace on earth, good-will to men.
Ain't nothing like a peaceful ride through the forest.
162.7 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (9:45 pm-5:45am)
PullUps PushUps
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling

WELL, I'M TUCKERED. The machines are tuckered. The many hands that make the magic happen are worn and achy. We're shuttin' 'er down for a couple of days...
... even elves gotta have an off season.
But, here's the dill.
The things we really want...
- speed
- power
- time
... we can't purchase.
The things we can purchase...
- equipment
- apparel
- trips
... we'd be embarrassed to task to a loved one.
We gotta be our own elves.
So, pretend your tapped on the cash...
... how are you going to get more speed, power, time?
Imagine it's spring time,
you're toeing the line...
- fit
- taught
- relaxed
... what's it gonna take?
Write it down,
wrap it up.
Give yourself a real gift.
Better yet,
give it to a friend or family member.
162.7 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (9:45 pm-5:45am)
PullUps PushUps
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling

THE POWER OF A CHECK LIST is awesome. Not ticking the boxes, for that quick hit of dopamine, there is something even better than...
... getting it done.
Which is the point.
For me, the real power is in the creation of a list.
Exploring and considering...
- each and every angle
- what is needed
- what is fluff
... and building an empowering list.
It's harder than it looks.
But, done correctly...
... discipline is replaced with love and urgency.
Checking the box is dessert...
... one we can enjoy each and every day.
That pic is literally a page from the RaceDay Ready Journal.
163.1 lbs
9ish hrs sleep (9:45 pm-7:20am)
PullUps PushUps Squats
10 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling

ROLLED OUT WITH A DEVILISH PLAN for myself. After 3 months of goofin' around, it was time to warm up the glow plugs on the Ol' Diesel. Nothing like...
... tickling zone 5 with the ticker.
Here's how weak I am.
Never in a millionkazillion years could I will myself push over 175 bpm...
- not for fun
- not for a coach
- not doing intervals
... I need to set up something stupid.
Like mashing the mammoth 50mm MTB tires,
with 20 lbs of pressure,
on the gravel bike...
... out to the local throwdown.
It was 25 minutes of pure, paved ecstasy.
Sandwiched in between 90 minutes of dirt, before and after.
Not much.
But, a start.
Time to begin upping the saddle time,
and sprinkling in a dash of intensity.
No need to hurry,
just stay consistent.
Keep doing the strength stuff.
If you build it...
... the watts will come.
163.9 lbs
7ish hrs sleep (10:30pm-5:30am)
PullUps PushUps
10 minutes recovery
30 minutes reading + Journaling

A FRIEND WAS GOING ON AN ON about how his brother had totally failed. The brother had committed to take his lifestyle to the next level. It wasn't going to be enough to get by...
... he wanted to live at the highest levels possible.
Did he make it?
You be the judge.
From where I was sitting, the brother truly had committed.
The results were easy to see...
- health firing
- family thriving
- business providing
- relationship with God and man aligned
... what more is there?
The friend could only see the missteps and shortcomings of his brother.
I think the point of putting ourselves out there, is to...
- be an example
- be held accountable
- show how we deal with failure
... and hopefully inspire others along the way.
Haters think it is an I'm better than you thing instead of the more simple...
... I'm doing my best, and appreciate your encouragement.
Truth is, commitment...
... is our beast of burden.
Every day builds on the next...
... this hat is a good reminder.
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163.9 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (10:30pm-6:30am)
PullUps PushUps Squats n Such
10 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling