AERO FRAMES ARE SO SEXY. Just one look, and t's hard to imagine anything but going fast on them. Unfortunately...
... looks aren't everything.
What about the things we can't see?
Here's a short list...
- Bearings - wheels, bottom brackets, pulleys, pedals
- Teeth wear - cassette, chain rings
- Lubes - chain, pulley
- Tire pressure
... of things we don't see or notice.
There's all kinds of speed to be gained or lost on those four things.
So while we might be intimated by the fancy aero bike, and aero does matter, there's a whole bunch we can't see or don't notice or neglect that matter. A lot.
And, what about the bodies of other athletes?
You know the racer who is lean,
or has great muscle tone?
That can be intimidating, too.
But, wouldn't it be much more telling to know their...
- power to weight ratio
- nutrition strategy
- VO2 Max
- readiness
... before we make a judgement?
My pal Pete and I were training a lot years ago.
We were decently fast on bikes.
So, we decided to do a 10k.
What could be so hard about a 6 mile jaunt?
We figured we'd crush it.
Around mile 4, I was dying.
My body hurt, and I was barely moving.
Suddenly I'm being passed by...
- on ol' lady in a Juicy Courtier sweatshirt
- a chubby dude with rubbing thighs
- and some cat in flipflops
... it was very humbling.
The point is,
we can be awed by the sexy and shiny stuff, or...
... we can focus on improving what we have.
As I'm typing this, Surfergirl stops by for a goodnight kiss with a Hagen Daz bar in hand.
Where did you get that?
The freezer.
Did you hide it from me?
You told me not to let you be tempted.
165.3 lbs
8 hrs sleep
PullUps, PushUps, Squats & Stuff
20 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling