ONE OF THE GREAT THINGS ABOUT DARK MORNINGS, is it means I have to show up with lights. Front, and rear. Simply because...
... I'm committed and I get up early.
What's so great about that?
Well, ya see, it takes me about an hour to get to the start of tomorrow's ride.
While those who live close, leave home after the sun is up.
I don't.
Which means...
- extra work
- extra weight
- extra resistance
... I'm getting some secret training.
But, wait, there's more!
I'm less of a secret on the road...
... those lights are lightin' me up.
So, it's the win-win-win...
... extra lights = extra visible = extra fast in the summertime.
PS I often run lights during the day, too.
166.1 bs
8 hrs sleep
PullUps & PushUPs
20 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling