ARE RUNNERS BETTER WRITERS or are there just more runners and therefore more writers that run...
... leading to a larger talent pool?
Christopher McDougall's Born To Run is probably my favorite running book.
It got me to run.
Trail running for miles.
His book, Natural Born Heroes, got me totally into strength work because...
... the heroes were so naturally strong and lethal.
Jesse Itzler is a runner.
His book Living With A Seal is hilarious, and wildly challenges our limited beliefs about what we can accomplish.
Here are a few gems from my latest find...
- The most important thing we ever learn in school is that the most important things can't be learned at school.
- With my mind elsewhere I'm able to run for a long while, keeping up a natural speed that doesn't tire me out.
- There are three reasons I failed. Not enough training. Not enough training. And not enough training.
... from What I Think About When I Talk About Running.
For me, it's not so much the running that is compelling, but the book's ability to help me understand...
... why I love riding, and enduring.
How about you...
... got any faves?
166.4 lbs
7ish hrs sleep (11pm-6:05am)
PullUps PushUps
0 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling