LOVE WATTS SHOWED UP WITH A NEW KID. This isn't the easiest ride for a virgin. They left early to make the ride over easier. What could go wrong...
... when riding holiday pace?
Oh, so many lessons and reminders.
New kid is so new,
he's riding tubes.
Poor lil' fella...
... after a flat,
and another flat,
he had to make the call of shame.
Newlywed to boot.
Back to the holiday pace...
... and its potential folly.
Jovial as the ride was,
things still got semi-serious on Up & Up and The Wall.
For some riders...
... this is the danger zone.
Take a poor slob like me who has spent a good chunk of the year gettin' his lycra kicked.
It's tempting, dang tempting to ramp up...
- training
- intensity
- commitment
... and stick to these easy going turkeys.
A little pay back.
But, here's the oh-so-sad truth...
... December Hero = Summertime Zero.
We must resist.
A great way to do that is to invite a new kid.
165.9 bs
6.5 hrs sleep
No Strength Work
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling