WHY DO WE BELIEVE SOME THINGS AND NOT OTHERS? Pretty simple, we've found them to be true through our own experiences. Sometimes good, sometimes bad...
... always teaching us something.
Every Day Is RaceDay.
That's a truth.
It doesn't mean we actually pin on a number and throw down every day of our lives...
... it means what we do every day matters.
Every thing matters.
Every action.
They all combine and build on each other...
... whether we like it or not.
That's why having a plan is so important.
The plan could be to...
- take it easy
- be lazy
- rest
... but, it's planned.
Just like...
- do base miles
- lift weights
- intervals
... is planned.
Good Plans = Good Results
166 bs
8 hrs sleep
PullUps, PushUps, Squats & Stuff
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling