NEW AND FIRED UP, I jumped full speed into the road scene. Since all I'd done was road race, I was one hundred million percent sure...
... I was born to race road.
While I shamelessly slobbered, the old wise man at the bike shop tried to duck.
When I stopped to breathe, he said...
... Sonny you don't know you lycra covered butt from a pothole!.
Listen up, buttercup.
It takes three full years...
... to know what you're good at.
But nothing, now get outta here and go to work.
He was right.
By the end of that first year, I realized I was a much better crit racer.
So, I focused on crits for the next two years.
When I found mountain biking,
I was sure I'd be a cross country racer.
Turned out,
I was a much better descender than climber.
When I finally got a gravel bike,
I was sure I'd just use it to mix up the training.
Turns out,
it's actually pretty darn fun to race gravel.
There's nothing magical about the three years...
... it's the three years of working at getting better that matters.
Oh, and before you quote the 10,000 hour rule, think on this.
There are 26,297.46 hours in 3 years, which is kinda like saying...
... if you live, eat and breathe anything for 3 years, magic happens.
Now get to work!
168.2 lbs
7ish hrs sleep (10pm-5am)
No Strength Work
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling