ABOUT SIX MONTHS AGO, I set two lofty goals. One I accomplished, one I fell far short of. What was the difference between...
... success and failure?
Both seemed outrageous at the time.
They still do.
I each case, I knew everything would have to go perfectly in order to get anywhere near what I wanted to accomplish.
The one I attained, everything did go perfectly.
I went about my business,
mission accomplished.
The one I muffed, a massive unforeseeable mountain in the road popped up.
It was such a kick in the front of my bib shorts where my legs come together,
that it was mentally and physically debilitating.
Months later, unforeseeable mountain turned to gopher mound, I'm back on track.
There's all the fancy platitudes of goals...
- goal unwritten is a hope
- goals must be believable
- goals should be realistic
... we could go on and on.
But, I'm not sure that's the point.
Having the guts to...
- set an outlandish goal
- share it with real allies, not punks who puke on our dreams
- and take massive action
... is the lifeblood of everything I do.
They matter, but not nearly as much what occurs...
... in the process of going after personal excellence.
We could wait until 1.1.25 to think, start, plan...
... or, we could grab a calendar and get down to business.
166.4 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (9:45pm-5:55am)
PullUps, PushUps, Squats
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling