THERE ARE A LOT WAYS to get stronger and off the bike. Routines, fads, and trends come and go. For my money...
... nothing beats a singlespeed mountain bike.
I built one up because it was fashionable.
Little did I know how addicting the workout would be,
how much I would love riding it.
It was like battling a bipolar bull...
- docile spinning along the flats
- UFC cage fighting any time it got steep
... and it worked perfectly.
At the time, cycling had been quarantined to a few days during the week because weekends were family time in the desert riding motorcycles.
My spin stayed smooth due to the fixed gear range - it wasn't a fixed gear, I could coast.
In order to get up the constantly changing elevations...
- legs
- arms
- lats
- back
... were all recruited and magnificently engaged.
No need for weights or any kind of resistance training.
It was basically going from one interval to the next, with luxurious spinning in between.
As I'm writing this, I'm thinking of the ol' Trek hardtail.
In the garage.
Maybe it's time to spend the least dollars possible and...
... make strength training fun and sexy again.
164 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (10pm-6:20am)
PullUps Push Ups Squats & Stuff
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling