NEARLY 6000' IN 32 MILES represents a good amount of climbing. Mostly straight up or straight down, on dirt. At about the 2 hour mark...
... I hit the highest point.
A few miles prior, a thought occurred to me.
If something bad happens,
I'm a long, long, long way from help.
The tires are new,
sealant fresh,
new chain,
And, I was feeling pretty good...
... check, check, check and more checks.
Carry on,
enjoy the views,
and lack of humanity.
A bobcat appeared on the trail about 20 yards ahead of me,
it made a quick u-turn and loped along as I closed in,
before lunging over the side into the brush.
The red-tailed hawk surfed the gusty ridge,
searching for pray.
Chipmunks sprinted up and down the ancient pines.
Nature really does rock my world.
This mountain range is about a 35 minute drive from home.
I used to live closer,
and spent almost every Saturday up there, alone.
Looks like I've started the new year's resolution to adventure something new or different at least once a quarter...
... resolutions are kinda dumb.
Why wait?
As the great Yoda said...
... Do, or do not.
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164.7 lbs
7ish hrs sleep 10pm-5am)
PullUps Push Ups
0 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling