Tell Me Whyd?
Today – oh, I wish I had my own picture – we cruised past this gal that had bars so wide on her MTB she looked like a bird with huge wings spread out. There’s a guy we pass most Tuesday mornings pretty much takes up an entire car lane… bars are so wide we eek by single file.
What the heck?
The cartoon look can’t be comfortable, can it?
It’s more like their prepping to tell me about how big the gap they cleared was… this big man! Well, dang… that is huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge!
Looks more like a tight rope walker searching for balance.
Imagine doing push-ups with your arms that wide. No power, no way.
I dunno, maybe there’s tons of leverage?
Good luck ripping through dense trees.
Good luck passing anybody on single-track.
Good luck, period.