ON THE HEELS OF WINNING TODAY'S TMWC - something that should never happen and probably won't ever happen again but which happened mainly because my young friends couldn't get their young acts together and ride a proper pace line and thereby reel in The Old Diesel and his cohort/co-winner the nice and gracious Chris Hill - I have spent the evening scouring the interwebs for foolproof video instruction... because kids don't read... so that you really, really, really understand how a pace line works.
Why would I do this?
Pure selfishness... if you ever get in a pace line/breakaway with me I want it to work thereby averting the words I heard last week when one of my young friends was struggling to keep the pace line together.
---> What is a young friend? It's true, everybody I ride with is younger than me in age, but Young friend = new to riding bikes fast <---
This first video has it all. But, it's short. If you watch it 5 or 6 times and take notes you'll have a really excellent understanding of what's at stake.
This video is terrible... but worth watching and asking yourself why is a guy standing behind a bike in a bike shop, kitted up? Things that make me go hmmmm
This video stalled out with the text "Do Not Accelerate" on the screen... I hope it does for you too because this is the #1 offender of all youngsters.
This is from A1 coaching, so I thought it would be awesome. It is real life gnarly... crazy weather, no bike lane, downunder... questionable sound quality and really short, but it's nice to see how smooth they rotate.
This video is the most thorough and also from GCN. Proving two things: their videos are superb and this is a skill that we all need to master.
PS Only I can screw up my ride.