FUNKR IS HOW WE ADD MORE FUN TO HUNKR BIKE RACES. You and 4 or more of your friends and create a FUNKR team. We use our superamazing computing power to rank your team against all the other FUNKR teams.
Last year, we had 3 Overall categories for the fastest all men, all women and mixed (at least 1 member of the opposite sex).
This year, we add a 4th category called the POINTS Category.
Here, our superamazing computer will take the 5 best placed riders on your team and rank them against all the other teams. Got it?... it's not finishing times that matter for the POINTS Category it's placings that matter. And one more thing, to qualify your team must have at least 1 member of the opposite sex.
How to create your team?
When you register there is a place to pick your team. If your team isn't listed, you can create it at that time. We'll take it from there... simple enough?
Who should you get on your team?
Since there is no limit to the size of your FUNKR team get all your friends. More friends = equals more fun.
What do you win?
Each team will receive a beautiful trophy and swag provided from one or more of our terrific sponsors.
Does it any extra cash to create a team?
Nope. It's all included with your registration.
What if you already signed up?
Not a problem, just shoot us an email and we'll get you onto the team.
Afterward, when we're all hanging out and mowing down a tasty meal pay attention to the PA System because your team could be the next FUNKR champion. Register Here.