BWR AZ IS THIS WEEKEND. I'm going. I'm excited. Bike is ready. Friends are texting. AIRbnb is ready for us. The reason for all this anxiousness is simple...
... I know what I'm getting into.
The Hell of The North Desert...
- brutal
- sun-scortched
- survival test
- fever dream
... no one - pros or pretenders - get off easy.
That's the promise BWR makes.
I've done UT twice...
... this is my first AZ.
I'm counting on being...
- wrecked
- wasted
- elated
... getting my money's worth.
I know what you're thinking...
... Now hold on Mr FancyLycra, are you sure you've got the goods to execute?
No, quite honestly, I'm not.
But, I'm sure they do.
It's called...
- trust
- confidence
- dependability
... it's earned through consistency and quality of experience.
8 hrs sleep
10 minutes stretching
83 (fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy