THE LADY WAS YELLING AT ME, window down. Stopped at a light. Kept repeating, I kept cupping my ear. Finally, I understood...
... Looking good!
Well, I'll be dawgawned.
Was it all the breaklifting I've been doing?
This is breaklifting...
- set a timer
- work really focused
- go do a quick set of ____
... and I love it.
30 minute sprints works really well for me.
The breaks are energizing,
a micro adrenaline rush...
... keeping work fresh and fun.
My sets rotate between...
- PullUps
- PushUps
- Box Jumps
- Dead Lifts or Split Squats
- Toe Raises and Calf Raises
- Grippers
... takes a whopping 2 minutes to do one set.
Most days I get in 2 rotations.
Is there science to back it up...
- Phil Mafetone dot com, his book Get Strong! (you have to go to his site)
- Barry Ross, his book Underground Secrets To Faster Running
- Pavel Tsatsouline who was just on Andrew Huberman's podcast
... get the source material and take a deeper dive.
We aren't body builders,
we don't want useless bulk...
... we want strength.
Keep it simple.
Keep it consistent.
Breaklifting for the win.
8.5 hrs sleep
10 minutes stretching
82 (fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy