DO YOU EVER JUST WANT TO HOOK UP? I do. And, I sure did today. So I put myself out there and got ready to lay down...
... for a quickie.
We have a network of new trails that were built in the summer and fall. They never really packed in. Instead, they were chunky and dusty...
... and very loose.
Riding on trails like that is fine practice, but not nearly as fun as they are after a good rain like we had a few days ago...
... today was the kind of hooking up I like to do.
Hitting berms.
Carving turns.
Carrying lots of speed.
Snagging PRs.
Nothing wrong with that.
Of course, the best hook up over here is the PEDALposse.
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Check it out.
166 again
6.5 hrs
15 Pull Ups 15 Clap PushUps 20 Heavy Squats
HyperVolt & Stretch
65 minutes reading + Journaling