GOING FROM RIM BRAKES TO DISC BRAKES was a game changer for me. Bombing a long, fast descent no longer meant alternating between front and rear...
... simply to save my hand strength, keep the rims cool.
But, there were costs.
Not just cash.
We had...
- rotors
- brake pads
- brake fluid
... much tighter tolerances.
We could roll with a slightly bent rim,
not gonna happen with a bent rotor.
We could adjust the brake's cable tension on the fly,
not happening out in the wilderness.
Tighter tolerances...
... bring us increased performance.
Increased performance...
... requires tighter tolerances.
After my TBI, my vision was really off.
It was a struggle to go fast over tricky, twisty terrain.
12 months later,
I'm still doing vision therapy.
It's a lot better,
but that is not the point.
The point is,
if I wasn't pushing my body to perform beyond the trivial tasks of getting by...
... I'd never know how off my vision was.
Which got me thinking...
... what am else I tolerating that is holding me back?
8 hrs sleep
10 minutes stretching
83 (fitness per training peaks)
45 min vision therapy