I'VE HEARD IT SAID THAT STRETCHING IS A LOT LIKE PRAYING, we should do it when we least want to. I get that sentiment. There was a time when I'd stretch every time I returned from a ride...
... never before.
Someone somewhere told me to never stretch cold muscles. It sounded sound, and very convenient. I'm rushed as it is trying to meet the posse, skipping a pre-ride stretch was easy to do.
For a long time, I'd return from a ride and always do some stretching and a few crunches.
Not these days.
These days have it in my head to stretch at night, do a few planks, a little yoga... and hit the legs with the HyperVolt.
But, having it in my mind mid-day is a lot different from actually doing it mid-night, when I'm tuckered out, when I just wanna fall asleep to an old and mindless re-run...
... so I start to skip.
Little aches and kinks start popping up. IT band irritation. Tight back. Strained calf. The sort of stuff I really want to avoid...
... just need to get on the floor before I go to bed, and do my stretches.
On that note, I appreciate y'all giving me feedback on a non-racey name for the inter-galacticly famous RaceDay Bag™.
Pedal Bag and Ride Bag were the top 2 suggestions. I like PEDALbag from a marketing standpoint because it leverages PEDALindustries. I like RIDEbag because we all ride. Stay-tuned the final decision. Video will launch soon.
Mike G 1st and Amy L, were 1st and 15th respectively. New waterbottles are on their way to them.
Everyone else can get these beautiful bottles delivered for a scant twenty bucks...
... yes, including shipping, $20.
Stretch and Hypervolt