DEPENDING ON YOUR RIDING STYLE, BIKE AND FLEXIBILITY you might want to change your bar height. Lower can be faster, put in you in a more aero position...
... but, bars too low can be slow.
Are your bars too low?
Not those bars on your bike.
Your performance bars.
Mine have been and I can't get this thought out of my head...
... the hardest bars to raise are our own.
For example, I know to hit my most audacious goal for the summer I've got to shed a few lbs. There's just no way to reach the speeds I want unless I'm lighter.
Basic physics.
But, when I checked the scales last night and saw I was set to have a light weigh in this morning...
...what did I do?
Grabbed an extra bowl of dessert.
So weak.
Rather than get to that next level, I chowed myself right back to where I've always been.
It's one day, I'll recover...
... but it's one day closer to the start line.
Stay strong my friends, and raise those bars.
The bars I care most about are my PRs, which is what this summer is all about.
And, we've certainly raised the bar with the SuperTech T
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7 hrs
0 Pull Ups + 0 PushUps + 0Heavy Squats
30 minutes recovery
150 minutes reading + Journaling