THERE IS A HIDDEN BENEFIT TO RACING OFTEN. It ain't fitness, ain't knowing your competition, ain't skill improvement, ain't none of that. You'll see it...
... as soon as I say it.
At least you will if you race a lot. If you don't race a lot, it's invisible to you...
... you also see it, but you don't know what it is.
Those who race a lot are anxious, but not like those who don't.
Those who don't race a lot have all kinds of anxiety. They are at a huge disadvantage because their emotional energy is leaking, spouting out all over the place...
... and they haven't even crossed the start line.
Racers use a pyramid strategy to avoid all the above.
Think of the A race on top.
Two B races below.
Three C races at the base.
Got it?
I don't taper for my C races. They are just part of the year, with the added benefit of going through the raceday rituals. I have no stress, no need to accomplish X. These are a great place to try different tactics.
B races, I'll taper a bit for those. And I'll have definite tactics to implement and do all I can do to see if they work.
With the base of many C's and some B's I arrive at my A races...
... calm, a sense of serenity.
I've been here before, I know what to do, I'm anxious to execute my plan...
... and just like every other race I pull on the best gloves and socks in the world.
I like the red, to match my helmet and pull the red accents of my race kit.
We have lots and lots of colors
Right now, it's buy the amazing gloves and get the badass socks for free.
Got a question, ask it here where all the racers hang out:
5.75hrs 72%
Body Water 601.%
4 Rounds of Strength Circuit
0 minutes recovery
0 minutes reading + Journaling