THERE WAS A TIME WHEN THE MERE WHIFF OF IN-N-OUT BURGERS MEANT I'D WEIGH A GOOD 10 LBS HEAVIER IN THE MORNING. And, when I rode by one today I could feel the call... burgers, fries, shakes... but, it passed... like a humming bird. There. Then gone.
Welllllll... I've focused realllllhard on my magical 4 food groups:
Power shakes
If, when, I stick to that... the blubber melteth away... as noted in my dropping weight which is approaching battle conditions.
What's weird is those 4 food groups are so clean ya don't really crave anything else.
How. Ever.
I'm meeting fellow posse member MD, the MD, for fun and frolicking on Palomar tomorrow... and I know for a frenchfried fact, we're gonna go right past the devil's palm trees on the way back... in a weak and famished condition.
No doubt MD will see me in the morning and think I need a hamburger or 3. Then he'll ask how I did it. What exactly is in those 4 food groups..
... to which I'll say, it's coming in this month's PEDALposse package.
So, if you're in the PEDALposse stay tuned.
If you're not... we'll it ain't like ya ain't been invited to click here:
163.4 lbs
Coach Loran Live
7.5 hours sleep