I’M GONNA CONVERT YOU, Mike tells me.
Wool stays cooler on hot days, warmer on cold days, and is odorless… I won’t wear anything else. I go to this co-op, hidden away in a top secret store, buy ’em by the dozens. For cross, they’re the only way to go. Road, too. MTB, I’d never do anything but wool… and not just any wool, Todd… MERINO wool…
… he’s preaching now, and I’m nodding my head…
Tomorrow I’ll repent of my ignorant ways and be baptized a Merino.
Funny thing is, we’ve been making Merino wool socks for 5 years… I’ve just never converted… I get so passionate about what we make, because for the most part I design it all then abuse the heck out of it.
But, I can’t design sheep like the Merinos, which are extra-super-soft-and-fine… from the continent of weirdo animals – Australia, of course!
Good thing I’ve got samples ready to rock… let me know if you want to join the congregation.