HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE YOU RIDDEN 100 MILES WITH? My first 100 miler was actually 125. 6 of us started out. 2 of us finished...
... everyone should have made it.
None of were accomplished. I had a mere 6 weeks of riding under my bib straps. The others had all started that summer. We were enthusiastic.
It took all day.
Sunrise to Sunset.
Why did the others quit? I dunno.
Fear maybe, that they'd get stuck in the middle of nowhere.
No sense of needing to rise to the challenge, perhaps.
Yesterday, reader Craig asked...
How do you do at least 10 pull ups each day? I tried to do 10 today and couldn't even do one.
I told him my secret.
I was pathetically weak, just like you. I started with one, the rest I did by jumping up and lowering myself down slowly. All those muscles are connected. Just get started, and stick with it. You can do it.
At BWR on Saturday, I caught up with friend Matt. He did the whole Waffle, 130 miles on gravel. We were laughing about the first time I dragged him out on a bike.
Do you remember that first ride?
Haha, yes, of course.
I couldn't even make the half mile to the trail. I was so embarrassed I turned around within about 5 minutes.
Look at you now!
You know, bikes has probably saved my life. I'm so much healthier.
That's why I say I've never met someone that couldn't ride 100 miles...
... now just imagine if they did!
One thing we didn't have on our first hundy was good nutrition. First, we didn't now whatthehell we were doing. Second, there weren't good options anyway.
Just the SaltStick would have made a big difference that day.
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7 hrs Sleep
25 PullUps 50 PushUps + kettlebell and stair jumps
HypberVolt & Stretch
75 minutes reading + journaling