MY BETTER HALF BUSTED ME. Perfectly angled on the couch, feet up, reclined, eyes half open...
... The Daufine drama unfolding.
Another bike race is on?
Uh, yeah.
And you're just gonna lie there and watch it?
There was a lot I could say at this point.
Such as the rule of if standing, sit
if sitting, lie down,
if lying, sleep.
I sure as shift wasn't gonna tell her I already knew who won!...
... though she probably suspected as much.
It's true.
While it's nice to be surprised and on the edge of our saddles...
... I prefer to know how it ends in advance.
Then, I can watch exactly what the winner did to get it done. For me, that is more interesting...
... because that's how I like to race.
If it's actually an A race, that rare beast that comes along once or twice a year, I've often visualized every single thing that's going to happen...
... from Monday of the week before until crossing the finish line.
I have found that makes all the difference, and the sooner I start that process the better.
It's why I created the RaceDay Calendar. That giant year-at-a-glance tool I use to plan the year's races, vacation, and work.
It's why I love the Reminder Wallet, printed with my A race goal.
It's how I developed the RaceDay Bag™.
Everything we do at PEDAL Industries is about supporting your vision for RaceDay.™-10-week-challenge
It's why I'm sharing the RaceDay Ready Body, Mind, Soul Challenge™...
It's the general plan I've used and perfected over the years.
Are you ready for the challenge?™-10-week-challenge
8.2 hrs 100%
Body Water 60.5%
0 Pull Ups + 0 Power PushUps + 0 Heavy Squats
30 minutes recovery
30 minutes reading + Journaling