I look stupid…
“You two should be out on the dance floor.”
“Todd’s tired, he did a big bike race today”.
(Ugh… damn woman!)
I’m not on the dance floor because the lights are too bright and my dance moves will look awful. Not, because I’m too tired.
Later that night:
“Lover, could we not mention the “big bike race” as being the reason I’m not busting out my moves?”
“Because it’s embarrassing.”
“Because it’s kinda silly. It’s just something I do for myself, to keep in shape, make friends and have fun. And, it sounds stupid when you say it.”
“How should I say it?”
“Okay… and there is no right way to say it.”
“Then you better dance with me next time.”
“I look stupid when I dance under bright lights.”
“Well, which stupid do you want to be?”