High school friends, then and now
My high school friends, then (2009) and now.
Such a happy day, during a very turbulent time of my life.
What to do when life gravity is pulling you down? Get some earthly gravity to pump you up.
My two sons, Trevor and Shane, and my other “high school” friends, Austin and Clutch, headed for our favorite downhill run: The San Juan Trial.
Why is it our favorite?
Because back when these punks were weak and scrawny (not Clutch), we only bombed trails, and SJT is the most bombable trail in OC – miles and miles of single track all headed downhill, all on decomposed granite – the kind of terrain that grinds flesh to the bone, all flanked by buckthorn – the plant that tears at your clothes and skin, all full of twisty turns and rocky drops and lots and lots and lots of smiles.
Looking into that picture I see what time can do: all four of the kids are now excellent men, blazing their own ride through life… making me as happy for them today as “way back when”.