Episode 9: I Made Someone Mad Today, Now We Are Friends

https://youtu.be/2YDUs9nDqDE (not why video player isn’t loading)

A new friend (she wasn’t that mad), pinged me on FB and asked why she should do HUNKR if the women are poised to win less than the men?  Sage that I am, I slept on it.  Pinged her back, and she said let’s chat.


We chatted.  She has some good ideas of how to make it mo’ bettah.

Pulling off a bike race that’s sustainable is hard to do from a profit stand point.  We’ve all seen races come and go over the years. Will parity in the purse will spark more interest from women and get our numbers beyond Triathlon which is 35% women to Marathon which is nearly 50%?

We are both now asking our other friends for their opinions and suggestions regarding the women’s purse:

Equal pay for equal work?

Equal pay for equal numbers racing?

Equal pay for top 3 places?

Start women separate?

Have an all women group for those not going for the win?

Drop me an email to purse@hunkr.com… I’d love you hear what you have to say.

Thank you!, tb

PS  The flyers are in.  The posters will be in tomorrow. That email address will stop working after 25JAN17.

