WE MAY NOT BE PRO. Our equipment may be lacking, our preparation woeful, our focus far from singular...
... which makes it all the more impressive.
When we, you and me...
... Do Hard Things.
Just like the pros,
but on a whole other level.
They level up,
get a pay check.
Our objective has nothing to do with money, and...
... everything to do with commitment.
Here's the cool part.
People see it.
Our family, friends, work associates, neighbors, etc.
They get inspired.
Maybe not to ride 100 miles or run a marathon or do an Ironman.
Doesn't matter.
The ability to D.H.T. can be applied to anything...
- changing diapers in the middle of the night
- studying instead of clubbing
- making 100 cold calls/day
- working 80 hrs a week for a season
- pushing a car off to the side of the road
- leading volunteers to repair after a disaster strikes
... once we learn we have it within us.
169.1 lbs
8.5 hrs sleep
No strength work today
10 minutes recovery
180 minutes reading + Journaling
Do you want to Rip On Raceday?