A LOT OF SMART PEOPLE HAVE NOTED, we are the average of our 5 best friends. But, due to a bolt falling off my bike today I had a little deeper insight on that subject.
Here it is...
We are only as good as our network. In other words, our ability to get things done is determined by how good our network of friends is.
For example, today I'm riding along and a bolt on my spider falls off. I instantly stopped riding, knowing from previous experience how easy it is to destroy the chainring when a bolt is missing. I search for the bolt. No luck.
Call my wife. No answer.
Call my buddy Justin. Answer. Explain. He'll meet me at bottom of the trail. He gives me a ride home.
Call power meter dealer I purchased the bolt from. They're closing early.
Call John at Velofix. He'll be in the neighborhood. Stops by and fixes it within 2 hours.
I'd say my network is freakin' awesome.
It's something to think about, right?
Is my network at work top notch?
Am I cognizant of my kids' (when they were at home) network?
Is my social network uplifting?
How good are my networks? is worth asking, so is how much value do I bring to my network?
As I write this a massive earthquake, 7.1, hits Ridgecrest CA and rocks us hard in San Clemente.
I hope my network is okay.
I wonder if our 72 hour prep is in place? Food, yes. Water, I'm not so sure.
Maybe that's what was meant when He said, Love they neighbor as thyself.
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