WHEN IT COMES DOWN TO IT, too few of us can handle the truth. Our flabby arms, soft as a baby'sbutt hands, round shoulders and bent necks...
... belie the truth.
We were born for more.
- Do pullups, grow calluses
- Do pushups, grow muscle
- Do squats, improve stature
- Ride far and easy, drop resting heartrate
... is what we easily observe given just a short amount of time.
When nurses rushed in to my room during my lovely stay in the ICU...
... they scared the crud out of me.
Are you okay?
Yeah, why?
Your heartrate dropped into the 30's.
Oh, it's finally getting back to normal.
Yep, that's normal for me.
And that's the freaky thing.
We, the fit, are a rare breed.
The pros aren't quite sure what to do with us.
It shouldn't be that way,
but, it is.
In A Few Good Men, Col. Jessup is badgered and cornered into exclaiming the famous line...
... You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!
The truth about our bodies' capabilities is all around us...
... yet, is it rarely explained or shamed.
With just a little effort, in a short amount of time,
we can easily see that not only can we dramatically improve things...
... we were born to do such,
the life force is stronger than we think.
This is the way.
162.6 lbs
8ish hrs sleep
Push Ups Pull Ups Squats Shoulder Presses - a little more every day.
20 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling