SPRINTING IS SO FUN, especially alone. Down clear road with a tail wind, out of a turn and into the next, up a short hill...
... It's so energizing.
Then why not sprint all the time?
The answer's obvious,
because we can't.
It's not physically possible.
The next best thing is...
... if we do it right.
The great John Wooden preached...
... Be quick, don't hurry.
Quick is
- precise
- error free
- looks effortless
Hurrying is
- looks atrocious
- mistake laden
- sloppy
We sweat with both...
... we win, PR, achieve greatness with one.
The difference?
- Practice
- Planning
- Routines
So, when the shift goes off the trails on the bike, in life...
... slow down,
be quick.
Oh, I almost forgot,
if you're hurrying to get a gift for your favorite cyclist, triathlete or runner...
... here's a quick and awesome idea.
164.9 lbs
8 hrs
PushUps and PullUps
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling