FUN FACTOID, weight machines at the gym were developed by body builders for body building. Each machine can dial in a certain muscle to make it bigger...
... we are not body builders.
We do not want muscles that don't serve a purpose...
... might was well be a stack of tires around our gut.
You know what else we don't want..
... injuries.
I know what you're thinking.
What the heck does the Ol' Diesel know about strength?
Well, quite a bit...
- testing
- reading
- experience
... has proven to me what works.
Here's the dill...
- low reps (1-3)
- max weight (90-100% of max)
- almost every day of the week (4-5 days)
- lots of rest between sets (complete recovery)
- multiple joint movements (squats are 3 joints)
... on getting strong with minimal to no weight gain.
Take it easy.
Get a pro to help you with form, because you can do this...
... with minimal equipment from home.
Disclaimer - any and all advice is just stuff I've tried and worked for me and is not professional or medical.
162.7 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (9:45 pm-6am)
PullUps PushUps
10 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling