THAT CAT STANDING NEXT TO ME IN ALL BLACK WAS WRITTEN OFF, given up on, fired! Ever had that happen in a race? Races are microcosms of life. For some, our spirits darken, we believe the unbelieving. For others, there is...
... nothing but hope.
And, hope is all he needed.
While on the cusp of history, breaking the all-time record for Tour De France wins...
... Cav' experienced all the above.
Few thought he could win one more.
But, that's all it takes...
- Alexander Vinokourov wrote the check
- Mark Renshaw directed the team
- Michael Morkov lead the train
... to get our lycra off the ground.
They went for it.
Last year.
No dice.
A horrific crash ended the effort...
... not the quest.
They all regrouped,
and delivered today.
Record broken.
- Cav' believed
- The organization believed
... it was possible.
Only question is...
... who needs our belief in them today?
7.5 hrs sleep
1 Rip On RaceDay Circuit
20 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling
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