THERE ARE A NUMBER OF REASONS TO CROSS TRAIN. To get stronger is a great reason. To restore flexibility and range of movement, for sure. To change things up and freshen our minds. But, there's another...
... to awaken the beginner's mind.
I was reminded of that today on my paddle board. Like a rookie, I shoved off in too shallow of water and caught the fin on a rock right as I was mounting the board.
The board stopped.
I did not.
Nor did my nose until it connected squarely with the board...
... and kept gushing for the 45 minutes of paddling.
There were plenty of witnesses.
I could only laugh... what a dork!
Most of us are so committed to this wonderful sport of cycling we suffer all kinds of humiliations and keep going...
• Greasy chain ring tattoo on calf
• Helmet on backwards
• Cut legs shaving
• Bibs on inside out
... it's endless and endlessly entertaining, the things we get so wrong when first starting out.
All I can say is if your cross training do you best to pay attention...
... if you're bringing a friend out for whom cycling will be cross training be prepared to be entertained...
... and offer some first aid, and words of encouragement.
As proof that good things come from mistakes, the RaceDay Bag™ came about after I'd forgotten to bring my shoes to an important race.
Never again.
Not when every pocket acts as a check list for loading...
... and making it easy to find what we need when it's time to gear up.
Use promo code: NOSEBLEED
This code expires on 7/7/21.
7 hrs
Pushups, Pullups, and other weighted stuff
Ride with us: https://www.strava.com/clubs/pedalindustries