I'M READY FOR SOMETHING NEW. I don't know what it is. But, I can tell it's time to change things up...
... find a new outrageous goal.
I thought it could be triathlon, so I started running.
Why not?... everybody should be able to run a 10k and swim 1k.
Which got me thinking about other basic things we should all be able to do easily...
- 10 pullups
- 30 pushups
- Squat our body weight
- Ride tempo for 2 hours
- Bunnyhop a curb
... but, that's basic and not outrageous.
Candidates for outrageous:
- Xterra Nationals
- MTB Marathon Nationals
- MTB Marathon Worlds
- Best of Both
- Downieville Classic All Mountain
- Moab Rocks
Let me qualify outrageous. For me, that means making one of these events my A race for the year and going all in. Going for the win.
I haven't settled on one yet. Some are hard to get into. Some dates still unknown.
All I know at this point is, it's going to be something new and it's not going to be an 8-10 hour deathmarch.
What about you?
Same old races you've done year after year or are you looking for something different?
I'd love to know.
8 hrs Sleep
0 RaceDay Ready Strenght Circuits
20 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling