WHEN YOU'RE FASCINATED WITH IMPROVEMENT, you're constantly on the hunt for good information that can be tested. We see the results and...
... either discard or incorporate the new knowledge.
After a while, we have our list of go to sources for new information.
Let me just point out right here...
... confirmation bias is real.
It's easy to consume the information because it confirms what we believe.
That's why the testing is so important.
How do I test it?
If it looks worthy of a try...
... it often takes at least 3 months.
Sometimes, an entire season.
Why do I test?
To find out if it will work for me, the new...
- training concept
- nutrition strategy
- equipment set up
... just because it's working for so-n-so,
doesn't mean it will work for me.
Sometimes, I'll search a certain idea across various thinkers and platforms and media.
Other times, I'll go deep on everything one of these big brains has shared.
I like YouTube a lot, here are some of the channels/personalities...
- Dylan Johnson
- The Roadman Podcast
- Chris Horner
- Stephen Seiler
- Nick Bare
- The Kneesovertoesguy
- The Ride with Ben Delaney
... who are you favorites?
8 hrs
PullUps PushUps Squats n stuff
20 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling