I'M ALWAYS IMPRESSED BY RIDERS WHO COME PREPARED WITH PROPER TOOLS FOR A QUICK FIX... which covers most of us. And we should. We are better skilled than 90% of riders out there at doing a quick fix. We're racers dawgawnit, and ain't got time to waste...
... I'm even more impressed by those who carry toolkits in their heart.
On a winter's day, long ago, shivering as we all bombed Live Oak Canyon, I heard the dreaded pssst pssst pssst of a rather rapid slow leak. I knew I was in big trouble.
Standing slack-jawed as the group rolled on... panic set in. It was the bottom of the canyon, I was shaking, couldn't even close my hands. It was so bad I'd had trouble coming to a stop.
Big Craig pulled up.
Slow leak, can't get the tire off. Fingers are done.
No prob.
He stopped, because he carries a set of tools in his heart.
We've all done the same thing, slowed or stopped to help a rider out...
... now seems like a great time to bust out the most important tools: charity, patience and kindness.
We make these in the here in the UNITED State of America. By hand. From innertubes...
... and ship to you for a mere 20 dollah.
Check 'em out: https://pedalindustries.com/products/the-mini-raceday-bag
8.2 hrs