BECAUSE MY 10-WEEK CHALLENGE has been incredibly successful in terms of downloads and attempts and an...
... utter failure at people finishing...
... I'm going to do a 5-Day Challenge.
To get the name right, I texted 60 or so of my friends a question:
Which is more compelling: Crush Your PRs or Rip On RaceDay?
The answers were almost a 50/50 split, with a slight lean towards Rip On RaceDay.
Of those, 50% were a quick answer and 50% quite thoughtful.
Some people had a lot to say, but I think the winner was Cameron Hoffman...
... Crush your PRs is worn out.
Before you tell me what matters more to you, and I do hope you'll reply and let me know...
... here are my thoughts.
PRs are such a good measure for our personal progress and readiness for racing. In a world of tailwind assits, ebikes, and questionable supplement choices it can be hard to win a race or snag a KOM segment. Only we know if it's a legit PR.
Winning is not the goal of racing for me. Yes, I definitely like to win and place well and climb the podium. But, if I didn't have to go all out because I registered in an unchallenging category or few if any participated it can be a truly hollow victory.
Ripping On RaceDay is the win for me. Making a plan, working out the details and through the many challenges, arriving at the start line absolutely ready to rip and then racing hard start to finish...
... that is what compels me the most.
As I'm writing this, my former t-shirt biz partner, Damion Hickman, votes for PRs with this...
Now I'm swayed right back to Crushing PRs because that sounds so cool...
... we'll have to make that tshirt.
Maybe we gotta go Johnny Cash at this point...
... PR Crushing, RaceDay Ripping, Sunuvagun!
How about you?
One of the most fun things I do is create a custom kit for the biggest A races. It's such a fun process. That jersey up at the top is one I'm working on for Nationals. I added a fiery look, because I want to be on fire for that race.
Did you know we have No MInimums for custom orders, and the designs are free?
Crazy, I know...
... but, I'm crazy about helping you Rip and Crush!
Creating custom gear is the best gift you will ever give your...
... PR Crushing, RaceDay Ripping Self.
8 hrs
Just PushUps and PullUps today.
20 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling