IN MY CULTURE we talk about having high standards all the time. Even judging each other based on our choice to keep the standards high...
... or let 'em drift low.
The benefit of high standards, of course, is everything is much easier.
I was reminded of this on my ride today when I saw the above sign.
No horses
No rollerblades
No e-bikes
No kooks
The builders of this brandnewsupersecret singletrack definitely have some standards they expect to be honored.
In this light, standards are a lot like commandments. They can be used as guideposts and ways to measure our commitment and progress.
For example, if our standard is to satisfy hunger a Big Mac and fries will do. If our standard is to eat like world-class athletes we would look down on that choice and...
... opt for something inline with our standards.
Eating like an Olympian makes going fast on a bicycle a lot easier than eating like Michael Moore.
During the final miles of the ride, the sun was setting and a father and son sped by on their e-bikes. The dad yelled...
... Sorry, I know we're cheating.
I smiled, gave him a thumbs up.
We have different standards, that's all.
Some people have modesty as a standard, and you know what they say...
... modest is hottest!
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5.8 hrs
0 Pull Ups + 10 Power PushUps + 5 Heavy Squats
30 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling