IT'S A DRAG TO GO DOWN, CRASH. We pop up like nothing happened, whenever possible. Ride like all is cool. Then we get home, dried blood, bruised, banged up...
... and assess the damage.
With luck, only flesh wounds that will heal quickly.
With more luck, the bike is okay.
But, there's another category that can be damaged and dernright embarassing. I was reminded of it yesterday as my pal's ripped up shoulder flapped in the wind.
I'm sure it's a favorite kit. He wears it often.
Probably because there are no more to be purchased.
If only he'd had us make it... then he could exercise our Crash Replacement Policy.
Wouldn't that be nice?... fresh new kit, same favorite design.
How's it work?... send us a pic, we'll get it made at 50% savings.
I know, we really should make it harder. At a minimum more shameful... like require a pic of the incident to be posted all over the socials.
But why, when we could just get it made and delivered about as fast as the scabs are healed?
Personally, if I purchased a jersey this beautiful and shredded it racing down a mountain I'd love to get it replaced.
It's hard to appreciate how awesome this blue is on a screen vs seeing it in person.
PEDALposse members save 25% on this.
PushUps and PullUps
7.5 hrs sleep
No ride today - Santa and Elves very busy.