AT SOME POINT ON MOST RIDES someone says or does something that gets me thinking. And, that happened today. But, for the life of me i can't remember what it was.
Was it...
damn, my legs hurt?
how did you time meeting us?...
... actually yeah, that was it.
Someone at the regroup asked how I knew how to ride the gravel options through town and wind up right on the road just as the group was hitting the final climb.
Well?.... How did we get there?
The short answer is... Bro, 'been doing the same loop with these cats for 17 years.
But, the long answer... that's the juicy stuff.
First, we didn't time it perfectly. We rode our legs off and got there about 8 minutes early, then pedaled in circles for a bit.
Second, we woulda been there perfectly except we've only done the gravel option a handful of times and it had been about a year since the last go... and well, I played it conservative.
Third, we're gonna hit a bigger climb next week and have to really, really, really hustle to finish in time.
Because that's what you do when you are a rider and wear stretchy pants. You put yourself in unreasonable positions and see if you've got what it takes to...
... meet the group
... make it happen
... exceed expectations
... do hard shiz...
... it's doing hard shiz that brings out the best of us.
That there isn't the prettiest quote over, but it is what I wanted to convey.
On that note...
... when you're ripping down the side of a mountain on a rough road or trail, doing all you can to make it to the meet up on time or beat your nearest competitor the very last thing you want to have happen is to have your water bottle launched out of the cage.
Now, if that has happened to you then you know what I'm talking about.
You're tempted to leave the bottle behind but you know dern well you're gonna need those calories and electrolytes.
So you stop.
Lose all your momentum.
Hike back up... kinda like the walk of shame... as fellow racers scream by.
All because you have a cheap, crummy cage.
What we have here below is not cheap and not crummy.
It's EXtremely strong, veryvery lght, and expensive.
But, nowhere near as expensive as flushing all your effort of registering and training and traveling and racing ahead and then losing because your cage is for losers.
That right there is pure beauty. Think of it as the ring on your betrothed and don't go cheap.
It's hella expensive to lose a bottle in a race.
We have 2 in stock, we can get more... but the promo code is only good now.
Promo code: STRETCHY
Every dollar spent gets you an entry into -> Ultimate RaceDay Bag™ Giveaway
161.2 lbs
Stretch N Roll
7 hours sleep